Mena looked over the five recruits, a few of them having been rested in the healing waters by the moon's orbs thy brought them here, and the others having just appeared by following the beams aimlessly. She could tell simply by their garments that they came from varying time periods; which wasn't a shock to the First Guardian, given how rare it is to find pure souls. The moon beams must have had quite the journeys. "Welcome, Pure Ones." She began, keeping her place to the front and slightly to the left of the moon goddess. "You all have met fates considered untimely and crass. Such is the fate of Pure Ones; others fear the aura given off by Pure Souls even if the others do not realize it." She paused to make sure everyone was still paying attention. She wasn't going to waste her words on uninterested brats. With a slight turn on her heel and a bow of the head towards the goddess, she resumed. "This is the Goddess, Andraste; Keeper of the Moon, Pure Souls, and Healing Falls. She offers you choices; you may guard her and her Falls from humans who seek it's purity and power, or she will allow you to pass over completely. Be warned that you will have no time in the Afterlife; Pure Souls, due to their rarity, are immediately reincarnated with lack of memory regarding previous life." She stopped when Andraste put a hand on her shoulder. "Do not try to scare them into it, Mena." She said with a knowing smile. Mena frowned; she wasn't trying to strong-arm them but Andraste and the Falls need protection and she's resigned herself to the fact that she can no longer do that alone. She [i]needed[/i] their help. With a small nod she looked back to the group. "The choice remains yours. If you choose to become a guardian of the Moon, then step up one by one and kneel before the Lady Andraste, and repeat this oath: "through bow or blade, through shield or fist, I vow to protect my Lady Goddess. Through blood and soul, through mind and heart, I vow to my Lady, to do my part." "Once you complete this oath and get the blessing of immortality from the Lady Andraste, you may say your own words and then christen your weapons in the Healing Falls. Once they are coated in the water, they will never be able to take the life of man, even if you cut them through. We cannot kill. Upon doing so you will lose the purity of your soul and any blessing given by the Goddess. Begin." Mena stepped slightly to the side to allow access to Andraste, but she kept her sword rested in front of her at all times as she waited for the first soul to approach.