[b]James Minassian, Ryuudoji Cemetery[/b] Aha! Now they were finally getting somewhere, both in the literal and the metaphorical sense. It seemed like they'd both decided upon using Ryuudoji Temple as their headquarters for the War. It would definitely be useful, especially with that Bounded Field funneling any spirits - Heroic or otherwise - into the path and front gate at risk of severe power reduction. Something - or someone - to cover that weakness would be useful to have, but they could deal with that problem later. It was only the first night after all. As for lodging without suspicion.... ...Perhaps the head monk would suddenly have an 'old friend' stay for a while with his... Sister? Niece? Daughter? Screw it, he could figure that out later too, but there was definitely no way in hell was he going to introduce Caster as a [i]Servant[/i]. Concealment of the Moonlit World aside, having a mid-twenty-year old man refer to a preteen girl as a servant, capital S or otherwise, would surely raise more than a few eyebrows. Digression aside, after that announcement, the aforementioned head monk would then leave on a sabbatical - monks had sabbaticals, right? Maybe a pilgrimage to some far off place would work better - sadly preventing anyone from asking about the details of their nonexistent relationship. Such a plan, even with all its kinks, would surely be both easier and more efficient than wide-scale memoy manipulation or mass hypnosis. Now back to his Servant. James looked down to see the little ball of energy smiling up at him. Did he miss something important? Was there a question he was to answer? A suggestion to praise or refute? Truthfully, all he'd manage to catch during his thought process was the bit about cake and temples, as well as a little bit about friends and demon summoning. The latter of which was significantly more interesting to him than the former two. Not knowing what exactly to do, James just returned the smile and hoped it made sense in context. He then noticed movement from Caster's mouth. He'd have to listen intently now. What she said could end up being truly important, like what she'd said earlier. ...Nope. No it wasn't. Well, truth be told, the first bit was fairly relevant, but it went downhill from there. Just more talk about ice cream and kni- [i]There was an idea![/i] "Hey Caster, wanna go out to town, see if we can grab some ice cream and fine one of those knights?" James asked, pausing for a moment to let his words set in before sticking his finger up in that 'not too fast' sort of way, "But [i]only[/i] if we get all the preparations set up fast enough." [b]Archer, Fuyuki Streets[/b] Archer thought on Hakuno's alternative plan. It was certainly more proactive than sitting on a bench with their proverbial thumbs up their ass, and surely had more of a chance to result in something beneficial. It also had a much higher chance of ending horribly, but it was a calculated risk. At least his Master - as low as her self-esteemed seemed to be - was able to see the value in not attacking the first person they see. Now if only she could be just a bit more sure of herself... "...Oh, don't look so glum, you made a good plan," Archer said, "Good job, Ma- [i]Hakuno.[/i]" Let it not be said that Odysseus didn't care for other peoples' feelings. "Although, if we [i]do[/i] happen to encounter any Servants and avoiding confrontation is no longer a possibility, I'd prefer to form an alliance... Or at the very least, a pact of non-aggression." Truthfully, Archer left out the exact [i]reasoning[/i] for this choice on his part, but his Master didn't [i]need[/i] to know that he was doing this so there'd be less work and more play, so to speak, on his part. Dammit, he was a tactician, not a soldier! Well, technically he was a soldier too, but more so the former than the latter. "Also, I wish to address the problem of a lack of disguise for myself," Archer added, "So I would like to get some clothing if the chance arises. They'll likely end up being very useful in the near future." Not to mention that remaining in spirit form was oh so [i]boring[/i]. Practical, but still lacking the same freedom that came with a corporeal form.