[b]Name:[/b] Charlie Rosenberg [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Fears:[/b] Phobia of Eyes – yes, a strange thing to fear…how come he isn’t falling apart when he walks into a room? Well, the eyes have to be centimetres from his own, for him to start getting the shakes…he usually doesn't let people stand that close. He can’t stare too close into a mirror. The Darkness of Deep Waters – it gives him an eerie feeling, he took swimming lessons cause of this. Being Unprepared – expects the unexpected, but fears that which is not known. Life, am I right? [b]Position:[/b] Steward [b]Personality:[/b] Very strict about being organised, clean…and though he is easy to cross for the smallest of slip ups, he does well to keep his temper under wraps and not condescendingly correct people for their faults. Most of the time, when alone, he tends to read quietly or reorganise and plan out his day…with others; he does alright with socialising and helping others. [b]History:[/b] Raised in a large family with many siblings, he took care of his younger siblings and developed a high amount of patience…but due to the lack of money in their household, he never got the full education so her could help out his younger siblings, and to work to support the family...as well as give his eldest siblings the full education experience. It was only after his eldest sibling got a higher paying job to support the family that he started saving money to move out on his own, and it was only through an acquaintance’s connection, hard work, and [s]blackmail[/s] that he got a job as a Steward. The job as one of the Stewards suited him fine for the past two years, and he’s actually been doing a great job…if it weren’t for his low education, he probably would have gotten Head Steward by now. [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s248.photobucket.com/user/the_help_you_doll/media/bloop%20bloop/anime-anime-boy-cute-glasses-handsome-Favim_com-404762_zpsc26f4e99.jpg.html][IMG]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/the_help_you_doll/bloop%20bloop/anime-anime-boy-cute-glasses-handsome-Favim_com-404762_zpsc26f4e99.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Other:[/b] Wears glasses, his eyesight hasn’t been great for a long time…he also happens to like strawberries, cooking and cleaning, and the colour grey.