"Numbing agent," Jared said, noticing Morgan's interest. "It will keep me from feeling this next part." He looked down at his hands while he thought about the question. "It was the first day Charlie, that guy who explodes, discovered his powers, before he had lost his mind... I was about...10?" Jared gave a little laugh before he continued, "Hah, you know, its a little funny. Back before Wendingo we were both in attacked by a dark guild and that's what seemed to unlock his power, but when he used it, well... it blew me to bits and sent him into a coma. Everyone else that was attacking us didn't make it. I did because I built a small wall right before it happened. Rudimentary as it was, I fixed myself on the spot before he woke up so that he wouldn't know, and it held me till I could get medical attention. I never told him about how close he came to killing me, and since that power and Algon have warped his mind, I'm afraid of what he would do if he did find out. He has never seen any real consequences from his power except to himself and that could probably put him over the edge." He felt the numbing take effect and started to hold his arm over his fake one. Little pops and other various sound came from wherever his hand was at the time as he used his powers to repair all the machinery in his body. It being so intertwined with his flesh, if he didn't have the numbing agent, this would be unbearable. "Geh... That part wasn't numb yet... Anyway, some of this just comes from fighting over time." He paused as he reflected back. "You know... for all its worth... I still wish that I was human instead of some scrap heap hanging on to life. To be able to feel things with this hand, and see with real eyes..." He shook his head. "Beh, what am I saying, ya'll don't want to hear all that. You don't happen to have any oil around, eh?"