Fenros sighed as he and Mia walked into town on the 20th floor, he felt like it had been ages since he and Mia took up that bounty of a serial killer. He glanced back at the man he was dragging with a rope tied around him. He personally felt that he should just kill him now and be done with it. But the man who contracted them, wanted that personally... seeing how his wife was murdered by the psychopath. His real life wife that is. He felt sorry for the guy, apparently they were married only a month before the game...and only two months after they were stuck in the game she was murdered. He was dragged out of his thoughts when Mia said, "Next time YOU be the bait...just being near this guy makes my skin crawl..." Fenros glanced at the petite blonde woman next to him, and replied, "I don't know...i don't think killers like him like men too much..." He said with a smirk at which Mia glared at him with a scowl on her face. " You know what I mean smart ass..." She then looked up at the town and then said, "I am going to find a place to stay for the night. I'll meet up with you after.." She looked at him for a moment as if she was waiting for his his reply, but after a moment she changed her mind and turned and walked away. He paused for a moment as he watched her leave then yelled towards her, "Why don't we just Get..." Which he was quickly interrupted by a sharp reply from Mia of "NO!!!" He sighed again and continued walking towards the clients place. He was going to say a house or an apartment because in the long run it will just be cheaper, she always said she didn't want one because he was a moron or she would rather die or what ever, never a real excuse, just one to end the subject. He shook his head and decided to let it go for now. The man he was dragging made some comment which he didn't hear but just kicked him for what ever it was, and continued in stride as if nothing was out of the ordinary.