Since the sudden not so surprising escape by the two wins Allan had been in total disinterest of his environment. The native community had a host page for different tribes and Caddo had recently registered for their own link. We are having technical difficulties at the moment please have patience with your application the email read. In Allan’s mind this was another hindrance by the tribe to exclude him from partaking. Well resend full composed email, add image Caddo symbol and making sure graft is visible. Somebody was addressing him, perhaps it was his roommate. Well then it’s a game of endurance and I will not lose he thought as he put away his phone. Allan’s spontaneous reaction was freezing up as he shifted his attention to the girl sitting next to him. Although he would like to appear confident in whatever, when it came to talking to girls it didn’t come natural and especially not a pretty one on top of that that. Though if honest, after taking a more careful look, she was a bit too thin. The girl squirmed shyly, a reaction that prompted Allan to get his wits together, as he realized that he had been staring at her quietly for a couple of seconds. “Yes its Allen, I mean no its Allan, or BT, but not, my name is Allan” [i]Total brain mush, get it together Allan[/i] “Very pleasant to make your acquaintance Miss Naomi” [i]Way to exaggerate your southern dofus[/i] Allan relaxed his position and placed his hands on the table. He was not going to look directly at her until he got into his usual grove. “This is tiresome, everybody just want to get to the party right, what is the hold up?” Just some minutes earlier he had heard somebody mention beer pong and that had only enhanced his restlessness. If beer pong was to be considered a sport then that sport would be the only one Allan had any interest in. Well one could call it the family sport seeing all of his brothers were proficient. “By the way which dorm are you in?” Allan asked while straining his right eye to a glimpse of the girl sitting next to him.