Allura narrowed her eyes at the people who decided to stare at the two of them as they headed to the smith's shop. Yes, she knew that they were two strangers that had randomly appeared out of a supposedly 'cursed' cave during the night but, darn, did they have to stare so intently? This thought and many others plagued the angel's mind but they soon went away as the shop came into view. It was a rather spacious area filled with everything that the smith needed to make his business successful. Glancing inside, she noticed the smith himself, he was a tall and bulky man, nothing less of what she assumed him to be like. As Akira walked over to the smith, the angel decide to keep herself occupied until he was done by examining the weapons that the smith had already forged. The first weapon to catch her eye was a sword. It's blade seemed to be made out of the most durable type of metal and the hilt was covered with a few straps of leather, which would provide comfort for the user when he or she decides to wield the sword. Moving to the right, another weapon caught her eye. This time, it was a staff, one composed of a similar metal to the that the sword was made out of. Reaching out, she ran her fingers lightly along the entire length of the metal and quickly came to the conclusion that it would make a fine staff for her. At that moment, she tuned in long enough to hear the smith call out to her and she turned to him, nodding slightly. "Yes, I'd like to purchase this staff here." Allura carefully removed the staff from its original space and walked over to the two. "That was a little pricy." The smith said carefully, eyeing Allura up as he did so. Apparently, he didn't think that she could afford it, so she too pulled out a money and poured out a hefty amount of coins, making the smith's eyes grow wide. "Okay...I'll accept this." Was all the smith could say as he reached out for the coins but the angel quickly put her hand over the money. "I would also like an engraving of the word 'aqua' on it as well." The man nodded and the addressed the both of them. "Your items should be done in an hour, no later than an hour and a half. Just come back for your items then." Allura thanked the man and then waited for Akira to tag along to before heading out of the shop with him. "Where should we go next?" She called up to him, just to be sure that she could be heard by him over the roar of the crow around them. She was unaware of it now, but more towns folk had stopped to watch the two almost as soon as the exited the smith's shop. The women would lean over towards each other and whisper back and forth while some of the more immature men thought of ways on how to provoke the two. Getting along with some of the towns folk would not be an easy task.