Yue eventually looked away, finding Kouta-sensei's stare too much to handle and instead shifted her gaze towards the floor, gritting her teeth. Isao-sama, yet again. "I do not train for him, sensei. I do it for myself and I only seek to improve. Is that wrong?" She paused, thinking over her words. It was hard enough to keep the stress out of her voice, let alone converse with Kouta-sensei. "It has nothing to do with the House... it's just the simple fact that Yukihiro-sensei makes me uncomfortable. I spar with him in the compound in the presence of Fath - Isao-sama." Even then, knowing that Yukihiro-sensei -- Yukihiro Hayate, if she wasn't mistaken -- was trying to push her hard enough to break was believable, and she knew it was true. The man's presence made her fidget, much like she'd done when she used to spar with Kouta-sensei but Hayate was decidedly worse. Yue vividly remembered dreading the occasions when her Father was too busy to oversee the sparring and sent another Yukihiro instead - her entire body was so tense that she could not slip into the stance and spar properly, leading the evening's routine to failure. Glancing up at Kouta-sensei again, she faced his harsh eyes, hoping he'd understand. Wasn't this why she preferred him in the first place? Naturally, he was unconditionally strict, but he was still a good teacher and Yue was proof of that. Only now, when she started fidgeting under his imposing demeanor again, did she feel hesitant.