For a fleeting moment, as she landed on the pavement just underneath the Hollow, Yue's eyes widened at Kouta-sensei's display of brute strength. He had single-handedly taken down one of the larger Hollows, without even using his Zanpakuto. However, Yue had no time to lose, as another Hollow came crashing towards them. She hurriedly got up, almost stumbling over the fallen senior's body and raised her hand towards the rapidly approaching Hollow. The incantation's words blended into each other as she spoke them but it did nothing to degrade the power of the spell. "Hado # 11, Tsuzuri Raiden!" The surge of electricity from Yue's hand connected with the very middle of the Hollow's mask, partly shattering it, but it continued to advance. Adrenaline was the that made her react as it descended down onto her and she turned, aiming a high reverse kick at its mask. The mask finally shattered under the force and with another Byakurai aimed at its abdomen, it disintegrated. Yue continued opposing another Hollow that had taken the previous one's place, and, not even bothering about her Zanpakuto, Yue kept up a constant stream of Hado # 1: Shō spells, preventing the Hollows from getting too close and blasting them several feet away. This, of course, couldn't keep them off forever, and Yue knew she couldn't let Kouta-sensei handle them all. She began aiming kicks as powerful as she could manage at the smaller Hollows, watching them disintergrate after quite a few. They did their fair share of damage as well, battering her with dull hits and littering her body with various cuts, but that went unnoticed as her hands gripped a limb and she raised her leg and torso, deflecting a fist that could have quite literally smashed her flat. It was getting harder to see as the sky slowly darkened, but eventually, it was over. There was no sign of any other being except Kouta-sensei and the two fallen seniors and for a moment, Yue felt mild relief. She vaguely realized that the seniors that led them out into the Human world lay dead a few feet away and her stomach turned - she couldn't stand thinking about it. However, that relief soon changed into panic. "The Senkaimon!" The Gate was gone.