He noted Yue take the aggressive reaction to his protecting her. She was shaping up nicely now that she was an Academy student. He feared she had softened too much, becoming stale, in the Dojo. He went to tear apart the other large Hollow before he noticed the wave of them had dissipated and Yue searched frantically for the Senkaimon. "I had sent the live ones off through it as I arrived, Yue. We must wait here for them to return with suitable cause and reinforcements. For all they know, we've died as well." It might have been strange to see Kouta in full Shinigami garb in contrast to Yue's Academy uniform. His single-edged tantō was fastened on his left hip. Like his father, his uniform lacked the shitagi and the kosode was sleeveless and opened wide to show off his physique. As mature as he acted, there were still faint amounts of insecurites he shouldered. His uniform was slightly worn and had a few tears. But considering what he was doing to those Hollow, many would consider that impressive. Uncharacteristically, he gently fell his large hand onto Yue's pointy shoulder. "Come, we should get these men to a safe place before they're bodies are disrespected further by Hollow. Can you sense if there are any still around?" Perhaps a silly question, but he was all the more serious. It may have been silly to consider someone assumingly less talented than she could pick up Hollows better but maybe he was just confirming his suspicions. Furthermore, it would have been difficult to sense much of anything other than him. His Reiryoku leaked more potently than his father's, and it was cold. She might have not noticed it during her time in the Dojo, but he wasn't in combat so he could control it more finely. A light fog began to form as the humidity met the chilly Reiatsu and their vision decreased.