Yue winced at the hand placed on her shoulder; it felt bruised, sending a dull throb of pain through her shoulder. She turned to glance back at the place where they'd last performed Konso and up at the buildings where she'd seen the Hollows emerge from; she could feel nothing, nothing foreign except Kouta-sensei. Even the most miniscule of pressure was absent. "No, sensei." His heavy steps, again, much unlike his father's light, graceful steps, drove him to the lifeless bodies now cold with death. He managed to easily fling them over each shoulder and motion to Yue to follow him further away from the swarm site. "Do you know any good places we can hide while we wait for the Gotei?" As she led Kouta-sensei to a barn she'd spotten nearby, Yue found her mind wandering back to the attack a few minutes prior. Kido that small hadn't taxed her Reiryoku reserves but it had still tired her out, and after accidentally electrocuting herself alongside getting smacked around like a ragdoll, Yue felt pretty beat up. Her Zanpakuto remained untouched at her side, barely hanging on as her uniform's sash was heavily torn a few inches away along one side. It was spoken with such a foreign taste it was like Kouta didn't relate himself with the Gotei even as he worked for them now. Regardless, his steps remained heavy, almost forced, as he was led to a lone barn within the forest nearby. "Tsuki no Urotsuku Ōkami, Unari," he mumbled to himself. Immediately, the temperature dropped at least 10C and the fog became heavier. He found it was more useful to sense with his Shikai than his own ability to sense Reiatsu. It was more accurate anyway and with such an excessive amount of Reiryoku, it wasn't difficult for him to keep up in the least. The Senkaimon's disappearance was unnerving to say the least; she'd never been away from the gate, ever. The prospect of waiting out here, in the Human world, was less than reassuring. However, Yue knew that she would not be taken as dead until her 'dead body' was found, something she knew her father would dedicate most of his energy to. They wouldn't be stuck out here for long, not before some Shinigami or the other - most likely dispached by her own House - traced their location. The inside of the barn was surprisingly warm and dry, the interior devoid of anything but a few small piles of hay in the far corner. It was a welcome change, as they stepped in away from the mist that had formed outside. Yue had noted Kouta-sensei releasing his Zanpakuto as they had neared the barn, effectively dropping the temperature by a significant amount and combined with Yue's own freezing Reiatsu, she reckoned that if the temperature dropped any lower, they'd be close to subzero. It was getting highly uncomfortable on Yue's part - the biting cold was nearly too much to bear, despite her being used to it. She waited for Kouta-sensei to put the seniors down to one side, pointedly ignoring the bodies as she felt another wave of mild nausea pass through her from only thinking about it. A moment later, she kneeled on the hard floor and bowed low to the man who'd most probably saved her life. "Thank you, Kouta-sensei." Yue said simply, the gratitude in her voice speaking for itself. Though several long years had passed since she'd last set foot in Akimoto-sensei's dojo, Yue couldn't drop the -sensei suffix in place of -san; it was hard for her to think of Kouta as anyone else except her teacher, the teacher that she'd had for so long and had taught her so much. He was someone she looked up to, quite possibly more than anyone else, apart from his father.