"No, I'm not tired," he told her. He was still in fight-mode. He was focused and prepared. Still, he noted her care for him. "We'd best get prepared before we run into more trouble." It was as if he expected things to get worse before they got better. Of course, it was best to prepared... Yue hoped that she hadn't forgotten how to pickpocket and pick locks, for while she wasn't proud of those 'skills', they were something she'd learned at the young age of four, when she'd died and entered Rukongai. It'd be an easy task to break in and grab some food without getting detected. His stomach growled violently at her mention of food. For some reason, his own mention of it did not bother him. He glanced over to the bodies and as strong as his sense of duty was to these men, the need to sustenance overpowered his need to make sure the bodies remained safe and that they remained and that they remained in a single area. He took the few steps necessary to reach the bodies and placed a cool hand on one of their chests. He pumped some of his remaining Reiatsu into the body, enough to keep his presence there for a few hours. He turned to face the girl with his ever-cold face. He reached down into his open kosode and removed two square capsules. Pinching them, they turned into a beige dust that quickly filled an impressive area. When this cleared, there were two dummies laying on the ground of equal size and dimensions. His hand fell into the chest of one of them and his body quickly sank into the material which stretched and formed into his own size and shape as a soul. Still being in development, the gigai did not come with a default outfit. Even in his nudity, he remained stoic and cold. He didn't expect Yue to enter the gigai until he returned with proper clothing. He, himself, chose to go out and do this himself. Still, he wanted her to remain there for a time still.