The sun was warm and it was nice for feel on his skin. The long hike was welcome as well and the tall grass didn't seem to bother him. Within a half-hour, he reached a small river where some boys shouted and hollered while playing in its cool waters. This was a good sign that he'd be able to come across a town soon. Even still, he tried to stay out of sight of the boys. After some scouting he found a faded trail that he hoped would lead to a house with some clothes. Eventually it had, and they were thankfully hanging out to dry. He took only a vest and a pair of trousers for himself that were too small for him but managed to wrap around his physique well enough to prevent the threat of ripping from wide movements. The only thing he could find in Yue's size was a sundress and some boy's trousers. He also picked up a shirt and found some slippers that might fit her. Unable to find anything else suitable for either of them, he set back to the barn. The vest remained unbuttoned since it was uncomfortable to have anything too tight around his torso, having grown up in a gi at an early age. The trousers could have reached below the calf but bunched themselves just above the muscle group. The trousers needed not be tied tight since they wouldn't lower past his waist without some effort. The even hair from his chest to his navel hid most ideas of "inapproriate." He looked bigger with such undersized clothing, however. He partially meditated on his way to the barn. The gigai prevented any measures of recuperating any lost Reiryoku, which was the dangerous aspect of these things. Furthermore, the only way to remove one of them oneself was to burst out an amount of Reiatsu that would destroy the tool. His goal was to control what Reiryoku he had and keep it in instead of releasing it and accidently destroying the disguise. It was close to ten in the morning by the time Kouta returned to the barn and handed the clothes to Yue. The gigai was the strangest part. As the dummy conformed around her short stature and took on her slender frame, as soon as Yue stood up it felt like nothing different from her normal 'body'.