"Please don't look yet," Though Kouta-sensei had turned away, she repeated her earlier request as she sorted out through the clothes he'd brought for her. She contemplated over her choices for a few moments, the sundress' floral pattern appealing to her much more than the cargo-like pants. Foregoing the shirt, Yue slipped into the trousers that were slightly too small for her, reaching her knees and then pulled the sundress over her head. It didn't look as bad as the knee-length skirt covered her pants quite well. Pushing the barn's doors open, Yue turned and addressed Kouta. "I'll go look for food, sensei. I'll be back in a little while." With that, she walked out into the faint sunlight, her eyes quickly adjusting to the light. Having aready journeyed far enough away from the barn, he'd already come to the conclusion that any threats nearby were minimal to non-existant. This put his mind at rest that Yue would come to no harm on a short journey for some food. He welcomed the rest, as well. The town wasn't quite far off, so she set out into a comfortable pace and within and hour or so, reached the outskirts. Most of the buildings were low farmhouses with fields stretching out over vast distances at their rear. As it was already near noon, people were bustling in and out of their houses, preparing lunch and the like. Yue blended in pretty well among the people, appearing as a regular passerby. The quietest house was smaller than the others but with a gate as high as Yue herself barricading outsiders away. Beyond the drawn curtains, Yue made out every room she could see was empy but even then she made minimal noise. She lifted herself up and over the fence surrounding the side, careful not to be spotted by neighbours or passersby. It was fairly easy to break in, as the back door was wide open. On the far side of the house, a few feet away, was a dog kennel which most likely housed a guard dog. Hearing the deep growls coming from the kennel, Yue silently tiptoed past he threshold and entered the house. To her luck, it was empty, save for an occupant that was clearly taking a bath in where Yue assumed was the bathroom. The house had a bright, happily decorated appearance yet it was quiet, almost unnervingly so, as Yue moved along the wooden floors like a shadow. Moving past several doors made her hasten her steps as she reached the kitchen, raiding the cupboards and fridge in silent yet hurried movements. She was careful to take only an unnoticeable amount of food, something she could easily carry and left everything in its place prior to her intrusion. Yue was out of the house in a matter of minutes and legged it back to the barn, worried that she'd been gone far too long to care about the man that had spotted her and cried out after her. The sun was quite bright by now, the warm sunlight flooding into the barn as she quietly slipped in, her arms full of packed lunch of sorts and a couple of packets of biscuits of some kind. Human food was decidedly weird as she set the food down in a cleaner corner of the barn with not so much hay strewn about. Yue herself hadn't had much of an appetite since she'd woken up, so she decided to sit a few feet away, slipping back into her usual mannerisms. The barn being small and quite run-down, even the faintest of sounds could be heard from the surroundings. However, the sound that nearly shook the structure from its intensity was all-too-familiar. Another Hollow cry reverbrated through the air and Yue was quickly on her feet, alert. Listening closely, however, revealed another, different cry from the Hollow's, that of a child. The Hollow nearing, Yue made a snap decision and dashed out the door, out into the open. The sunlight blinded her momentarily, but a large shadow was quickly cast over it as the Hollow loomed overhead. Her guess had been correct: a small child, seeming no older than five was running at a breakneck speed in the barn's direction, the Hollow trampling along at an alarmingly fast pace behind it. Yue didn't react for a few moments, only watching the Hollow chase the child. It was obvious the child had some spiritual power as it had attracted one of the larger Hollows, a Hollow that was quickly gaining on it. Seeing that the child was nearing, Yue felt a bit of panic creep over her. What was she supposed to do? Help the child? She didn't even know how to get out of the darn gigai. Thankfully, the Hollow hadn't spotted her yet, but the child did, and altered its direction towards Yue. Alarmed, Yue made another split second decision and let the child run past. The Hollow neared, just in time to get hit by Shakkaho. However, as the Hollow moved in the last second, it only severed its right arm and a portion of the shoulder. A terrible cry rumbled through the air before the Hollow somewhat recovered and continued its path towards the kid and now Yue. She backed away, keeping the child out of sight behind her as she started chanting another spell, aware that her Reiryoku was running dangerously low.