Feeling increasingly uncomfortable with the child clinging onto her like his life depended on it, Yue gently pried his hands away and knelt down next to him at eye level. He was still crying, and she suspected that it was also partly because he was probably intimidated by Kouta. "What's your name?" She inquired as gently as possible, but he continued to cry from the shock of the Hollow. Seeing no other alternative, Yue drew him into her arms in an attempt to calm him down and while at first it seemed to have no effect, his shaking form graully stilled. Kouta wasn't surprised by her warmth. She possessed a childishness that deeply cared for others, even if she didn't know it. He stood back, caring little to intervene further in a situation that was beyond a human child to be caught up within. "What's your name?" Yue repeated but didn't let go of the boy. He didn't seem too inclined to answer but, exhausted from all the running, gave in. "Seamus," He managed, not looking up at Kouta or Yue. She patted him on the back and stood up, keeping hold of the boy's hand. "Where do you live?" Yue asked, not too repulsed at the idea of taking care of an unknown child. "Do your parents know you're here?" Seamus shook his head. "I'm not sure, miss. I live there," He pointed towards the rather large town and Yue knew that unless someone came looking for him, it would be impossible to find his family - they couldn't go knocking at every house until they found the one that he lived in. "I was with my dad when the monster came, I ran away," Yue sighed and gave Kouta a helpless look. Now what? She had no clue what to do with the kid, having lived a sheltered life for so long and fending for herself prior to that. No matter what she knew the rational thing to do was - ditch the kid to avoid any more danger - Yue just couldn't let him go all by himself. He was aware of spiritual beings, as he'd demonstrated while running from the Hollow but that just meant he'd attract even more. It was risky, but she could tell Seamus didn't want to be left behind either. "Do you want to stay with us until someone comes to find you?" Seamus nodded in response, and Yue sighed. "Okay then. Are you hungry?" He nodded once again, so Yue gently tugged on his hand in the direction of the barn. "Come on, let's go." Yue could tell he was mildly suspicious but in no place to deny food, for he had probably missed breakfast and by the looks of him, he most likely came from one of he poorer families. And that spelt trouble, for the poor families rarely ever cared enough to search for their missing children, as they probably had too many to handle. Minutes later, Seamus sat on one of the haystack, devouring one biscuit after the other at an alarming pace until Yue took the packet away from him and handed them to him instead. While he was eating, he kept up a stream of constant questions that Yue had to deal with, as she knew Kouta probably wasn't too keen on answering. It was hard, as she had to come up with new identities for both on the spot, and Yue was soon thanking the heavens for her "gift". "Where do you live, miss?" "In a small village a few miles away." "...Then why are you living in a barn?" "We're not living here, I just don't like the sun much. And please don't call me miss, I'm not that old." "What's your name then?" "Hannah." "What about him?" Seamus inclined his head towards Kouta. "Why is he with you? Do you know him? Why are you traveling with a stranger?" "I'm not traveling, Seamus. And he's not a stranger. He's my... brother." "He doesn't look like your brother..." "I was adopted?" That came out as more of a question than a statement but the young child didn't pick up on it. "What's your name, mister?" Seamus turned towards Kouta. Yue poked the boy's arm to get his attention and handed him another biscuit. "Hush now, enough questions. Eat up." By the time Seamus was done eating, quite a bit of time had elapsed. His questions had thankfully stopped while he ate but now that he had nothing to do, they started up again. "Hannah?" "Yeah?" "Why are you dressed like that?"