Dissatisfied with the manner in which Yue was dealing with the situation, Kouta took a direct route with answering the boy. "We stole them from the village where you came from. We don't belong here." He never glanced at Yue. Who would believe a single boy with information Kouta was about to tell him? "We're spirits who took human form and required clothing. We were sent here to save you and protect them until they are to be buried and angles come to take us back," he pointed to the two Shinigami lying in the corner of the barn while lying more convincingly than Yue. It was more convincing due to his cold tone. Seamus only gawked at the man, glancing at the lady a few times as well to just more fully absorb this amazing information. "We require food and shelter as we take human form," hinting at the fact that they needed both in order to survive. "Now that we've fed and comforted you, it's time you go back home. We'll watch over you on your way back." At this, Kouta looked over to Yue with a cold and hard stare, willing her to accept their "cover" being blown. He'd already eaten the food Yue had gathered for them, leaving the two of them hungry and without energy. Because of Yue, they had to go longer without food as they waited for a rescue squad to show up. Yue's smile didn't falter, only perhaps morphing into a more amused smile as Kouta told the child everything. She highly doubted the child would actually believe him, as she felt Seamus had more intelligence than that. Kouta's stare didn't outwardly faze her. Kouta's icy demeanour was nothing new to her, having already been exposed to it for several years. Even then, it baffled her and left her feeling a bit sad, but Yue didn't know how to deal with it. She did honestly think of him as sort of a brother but It was in her nature to forego the thought of herself and put others forward; maybe this time she should've thought of Kouta instead of the boy. But she couldn't leave him out there, all by himself. Yue returned Kouta's stare with a blank look, the smile barely there. He motion for the boy to rise and exit the barn while he stood close behind. Seamus looked up at the large man who only looked firmly forward, scanning the immediate area around them. "What's your name?" he asked again. "Aodh," he lied. How he came up with the name was unknown, perhaps he absorbed the land's knowledge. "Really? Seems ironic to me," Seamus mused, knowing the name meant "fire" and picking up on his unusually cold demeanor. Again, he sensed nothing around them. This struck him as strange for a single Hollow attacked a small boy rather than two significant sources of Reiatsu. "Do you sense anything, Hannah?" he asked without hesitating upon her new name.