For a fleeting moment, Yue felt something. What, she couldn't tell. But a split second later, it was gone. She reassured herself with the thoughts of it just being a rescue squad but despite that, her uneasiness grew within her. She thought back to the initial attack; the way the Hollows remained undetected despite their proximity, until the very last second. However, Yue didn't want to scare the child or alarm Kouta with that information. As Kouta had arrived moments after the attack, he probably hadn't noticed that unsettling characteristic. Her paranoia grew, until it just spilled past her lips. "They're nearly undetectable. No one, not even the instructor could sense them until it was too late." Yue's mind replayed the frightening scenario in an endless loop, and she knew Kouta would be angry at her, very angry, for not sharing that information. "Are you telling me you sensed one just now?" His eyes darted around them. He wasn't able to see anything other than leaves and branches twitching in the cooling autumn breezes. His hand jolted to the hilt of his Zanpakuto, hoping to gain the upper hand by being prepared rather than exerting any more spiritural pressure than he needed to. "I think so," She replied. There it was again, that strage, uneasy feeling. Yue could practically see the Hollows scaling downn the trees, one by one, swarming in until they were overwhelmed. After a moment of panicked searching, Yue located one of the wakizashi at her side and the other was nowhere to be seen. Worriedly, she got up and walked a little distance away from Kouta and Seamus looking for the other half of her Zanpakuto, inwardly berating herself for being so stupid as to lose it. In the distance, a glint caught her eye and after a moment of squinting through the bright sunlight, Yue made out the mint-colored handle of her Zanpakuto. Crossing the twenty or so metres to get it, she bent down to pick it up before a chill ran through her. The same kind of chill she'd felt moments before the first attack. Turning on her heel, Yue darted back towards Kouta and Seamus. "They're coming!" Her hand gripped the hilt of her Zanpakuto and as the first of the Hollows materialized, she pushed Seamus behind her, out of sight, on instinct. In less than a moment, Yue made the split-second decision. She had little Reiryoku left for enough Kido. Nor could she fight efficiently without that Kido so she did the next best thing: "Split the heavens, Seion no Arashi!" A blinding lavender light flashed from the disintergrating wakizashi, before it materialized back onto her hands into a much more useful weapon. Her gigai was gone; the dummy had exploded outward into dust the moment Yue's soul had exited. The distorted bodies of the Hollows lunged - every single one Yue took down, another took its place. Deaden Nerves was of little use; numbing didn't stop the masses of Hollows from storming forward, in an alarmingly uniform manner. Slash after slash released a small bolt of lightning incinerating those in its path into ashes. It kept her from getting too overwhelmed on her side; even so, Yue kept an eye on Kouta although she knew he didn't need it, but her concern didn't stop her from worrying about the man. Seamus was miraculously ignored at this point, due to his spiritual pressure being dwarfed by Yue's released Reiatsu.