Kouta blacked out soon after Yue began to heal him. The pain he felt wasn't nearly as strong as the fatigue, but rest was mandatory regardless. There were a few times he heard voices of those around him, though he could never fully discern to whom they might belong. He had to assume he was safe considering the fact he hadn't died yet. Rest was the only thing he could focus on now. Akimoto, however, had lost his most trusted shihan for his Dojo. Of course there were numerous others who ran it during his son's absence, but he was concerned it wasn't going as he knew it should. There were some things his trust would not extend toward. Yuzuki had taken the roles of Captain for an extended period of time. This was not unusual, but Akimoto's conscience made him regret befalling all the responsibilities he was responsible for upon her. He didn't doubt her abilities, but it was a different reason as to why Kouta's absence affected Akimoto's work. The Captain only continued to work as he needed. His time spent in the Dojo increased while his work in the Academy remained the same. His Division was the one who missed his presence the most. It took a few weeks for messages from the Captain-Commander and Yuzuki to reach him. Yuzuki only needed permission to execute whatever plans and procedures which required to be performed. The Captain-Commander, however, was looking for more personal favors of which he could not fulfill.