And here we go~ [b]Name:[/b] Madison "Maddy" Hender. [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Fears:[/b] Swimming/water, surprisingly. Fighting (verbal or physical). Small spaces. Extremely loud noises. [b]Position:[/b] Singer for the musicians. [b]Personality:[/b] Madison comes off as a sweet, almost naïve girl with manners and the ability to keep up a conversation, showing she grew up with dinner parties happening almost every night. She isn't easily angered or annoyed, instead she has quite the large patience and typically tries to keep the peace among people. Though, that doesn't mean she won't speak her opinion and keep quiet; she has quite the loud voice in a conversation. She isn't easily hurt or offended, either; she's very forgiving and comes off very wise for her age, always looking to the bright side of things instead of the negative. [b]History:[/b] Madison grew up in a happy, wealthy home, with loving parents and three older siblings, all brothers. She was made tough by them, taught to not let anything get to her. But by her mother, she was taught to be a lady and to be kind and forgiving. She still got down and dirty with her brothers and knows how to throw a good punch, though she'd rather not. She had a few dates but never really anything serious; her brothers usually chased them off. Having a near death experience very young, she had almost drowned and water isn't something she enjoys being around unless it was in a bathtub. She wanted to be a singer at a very young age, always shocking people with her low, raspy voice of singing once she was older, but she could never find a footing for it. When the cruise ship was looking for a singer, despite hating swimming and big bodies of water, she jumped on the job and actually got it. [b]Pic/Description:[/b] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [b]Other:[/b] None.