[center][b]Digimon... Rise of the Forsaken[/b][/center] --- [center]Darkness is all that can be found around you… no, describing it like this wouldn’t be appropriate. It’s almost as if the area you are being taken to is void of all human life, or any life for that matter. Your body feels almost empty, numb, and as if there is nothing left inside of you. You know for a fact that your eyes are open, but you can’t see nothing for some reason… almost as if the life in your eyes have been taken as well. You can only rest your head against what you assume to be a bed underneath you. [/center] [center]Maybe you were drugged? Perhaps that’s why you are feeling the way you are. Nonetheless, there were things that weren’t right with the way you were feeling that you couldn’t help but sense that it was because of some sort of drug or toxin. You couldn’t move your body at all, nor could you see, hear, smell, feel… [/center] [center][b]…or even breath.[/b][/center] “Ohhh! I’m surprised that one of you humans awoken!” spoke a very sharp-pitched and cocky voice, who made it ever so clear as it continued to speak. “I was sure that my calculations were perfect! My calculations are never, and I mean never wrong! That just must mean you are an anomaly in the system, yes? Or perhaps… it just means you humans are just stronger than I had anticipated… Hm… Masters won’t be pleased if I don’t make the adequate adjustments pronto! I suppose I’ll have to write in a new rule in the protocols for any other anomalies in the system for information to be sent straight to me.” As the voice finished speaking, you realized to yourself how you could hear, when at first you could not. “My, my, you’re probably wondering what’s going on, aren’t you, my little friend? Don’t you worry! Here, I’ll turn on these visual sensors that I have linked on my end, and you can see exactly what we have done to you, Human,” cackled the voice as a few buttons could be heard… almost as if they were rather far away. [center][b]This… ‘thing’… is supposed to be you? Where… where is all of your long blonde hair? What about your blue eyes that mom and dad used to say made you look beautiful? There’s nothing in your sockets… just… nothingness as you slowly blink your eyelids over where your once beautiful eyes used to be. The ‘thing’ before you has barely to little meat left on its bones… hell… to say that there’s even any skin on this thing anymore would be too kind. It’s an abomination is what this thing is… but what makes it even worse, is the fact that you know the you’re looking at yourself… Moments ago you were going to bed, looking at yourself in the mirror wearing your night gown… and now… you’re ‘this’.[/b][/center] “Amazing how I, the great [url= http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Datamon]Datamon[/url] can be so efficient! I never cease to amaze myself, heh! Unlike all those [url= http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Commandramon]Commandramon[/url] I’m an intelligent Digimon who has strong powers! While I may not be much compared to the Masters, I won’t be letting you little Humans interfere with their plans no I won’t!” chuckled Datamon as he tapped the pod where you were contained in. “Now then… it is time for you go back to sleep, Human… for we will be using you, along with all the others to create the ultimate Digimon!” [center][b]Everything fades back to black… you can’t see yourself no more, nor can you hear anything no more… Your conscious slowly begins to fade as you try to move what is left of your stubby arms to console yourself and cry. Before you fully fall back into your slumber due to the drugs… you let out a silent thought…[/b][/center] [center][b][i]”Save us… all of us from this suffering…”[/i][/b][/center] ----- [center][b]Somewhere else in the strange structure...[/b][/center] Something stirred up within him before causing Killian’s eyes to burst wide open. He looked around, and saw that he was on a bed. He looked around him and saw that the room was metallic with strange lights and that there were seven other people lying in beds also with breathing masks on. It took him a while to realize that he too was wearing a breathing mask… but it was not oxygen that he was breathing. Immediately he gripped it and flung it away, before coughing loudly… and before vomiting onto the floor. Pushing himself up, he began catching his breath, and looked over at the other people who were in the room with him. This was definitely not the cabin he was in back at camp, nor were these his fellow staff members. To him, they were… well, kids, even though he was sure they were close to his age. Still, he decided to do his duty and do what he could and start by removing the gas masks… He looked at all the others and noted them all in his head: A normal looking guy with school clothes who seemed pretty chill actually; a girl with a necklace and a headband with long black hair who looked nice; a guy wearing goggles with a very peculiar sense of fashion… nonetheless interesting; another normal looking guy, although someone with a serious aura who just happens to wear glasses; a girl with a red scarf and some simple clothes… although something seems warm about her; a boy with a rather cute face along with turquoise hair to match; and lastly a red-headed girl with a rather… odd bracelet. “Jeez… they’re all really out of it, aren’t they…?” mumbled Killian to himself as he sighed, before looking around again. This place didn’t feel right, not one bit. Something was horribly wrong with this place and he knew that he had to get out of there as soon as possible. Though, he couldn’t leave the others there… they would be just like him were they to wake up. He then noticed a rather large garbage chute. Well, he could throw them all down there and hope that the chute leads to an exit rather than a furnace. Laughing to himself, he heard something loud from behind him… “Razor-Stryker!” shouted a metallic voice from the double-doors before a lizard-like broke through and crashed into the floor. “Take that [url= http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Commandramon]Commandramon![/url] You guys may be strong with your guns and what not, but you won’t stop me in saving my Tamer!” roared the robot with the blade on its arm as it hopped over the lizard soldier and towards Killian. “Hey! I found you, my Tamer! I’ve been looking all over for you in this place!” “What the hell are you, and what the hell is that thing,” he pointed towards the lizard, “ and just what the hell is going on here?!” “Lot of crazy stuff, lots of big and nasty Digimon are capturing Tamers for something... I was able to infiltrate their base like the ninja cyborg warrior I am… and I found you, my Tamer!” spoke the machine cyborg as it pointed at Killian. “Again, what?!” “…Oh yeah, you’ve probably been doped up I assume… Hm… Oh well, don’t worry about it, just take this, it’s supposed to be some sort of ancient device… the Digimon in my village call them Digivices. The golden Digivice was the one that was signaling to me your location… which means that this is yours, and that you are my Tamer!” “Seriously, little guy, I have no idea what you are talking about, but if I take this will you explain things to me?” “Yeah, yeah, just take it already, will you!” shouted the robot as he thrust forward the Digivice into Killian’s hands. “Anyway, I’m Jehumon, a Digimon, but you can just call me Jehu boss! But anyway, we’re in a really bad place where the Forsaken have taken root in… we need to get out of here and quick!” “What about the others? We can’t just leave them here!” “I know that we can’t leave them here, but I didn’t come here for them, I came here for you… uh… what’s your name again?” “It’s Killian, and we are rescuing at least these guys before we do anything else!” “Oh fine! But I think we might not be able to exit the same way we came in… because there’s a lot more of those Commandramons coming!” exclaimed Jehu as he quickly pushed Killian into the room and threw the fallen Commandramon at the incoming others, knocking them down temporarily. “Hurry up and figure out how to get us out of here, Killian! Oh, and don’t forget to give out the rest of those Digivices!” “You act like I know who the hell they belong to!” “Just believe in yourself while I believe in the one who is buying you some time; me! Resonance Jammer!” shouted Jehu as he began firing off a loud sound wave from his antenna, dazing the oncoming Commandramon while slicing the stunned ones with his Razor-Stryker. Gritting his teeth and freaking out, Killian placed a green Digivice onto the normal looking and chill boy; a black Digivice into the pocket girl with a necklace; a brown Digivice onto the boy with the goggles; a purple Digivice into the pocket boy wearing glasses; a white Digivice onto the girl wearing a red scarf; a pale Blue Digivice into the pocket boy with the cute face; and lastly a silver Digivice onto the girl with red hair and the odd wrist accessory thing. As soon as that was finished, he grabbed all of their things and placed them within a large bag before sealing it tight. There was only one option that he could think of for getting them all out of there safe…sort of. He turned towards the garbage chute, and decided that it was their best option. Loading everyone onto a single bed by laying them on top of one another and putting the bag with all of their stuff on. Killian then shouted towards Jehu before charging forward towards the chute with the bed. “Jehu! Time to go!” “It is- Dear lord, why are they all laying on each other like that in such… such positions?!” gasped Jehu as he quickly flied towards Killian. “I couldn’t fit them any other way without hurting them so… I did it like that! Now come on!” he roared as he charged into the garbage chute… and as all of them went falling down. [center][b][i]Sometime Later…[/i][/b][/center] “That… was perhaps the worst experience of my life…” said Killian as he sat by the campfire and as he started cooking up something to eat with the supplies that he had from his emergency supplies. “Well you thought it was a garbage chute… it was actually a drainage pipe,” murmured Jehu as he handed Killian his shirt back. “Still, I don’t understand why you asked me clean everyone up, and freshen up their clothes for them, but save yours for last when you’re my Tamer.” “I don’t know… maybe because I suspect that I may be the oldest… and, well, it’s just my nature to be a nice guy and to make sure that everyone else is okay before me. Besides, standing here naked and cooking stew was quite the experience,” Killian murmured as he put on his clothes. “Heh, if you say so. Anyway, how come they haven’t woken up yet?”asked Jehu as he pointed towards where the others now laying comfortably around the fire. “Good question… maybe they had a bigger dose than I did? Although, it shouldn’t be too long now till one of them wakes up I hope. In the meantime, let’s just wait it out here till we’re all awake, get some food in us, and then we can figure out what to do next.”