DONT WORRY EVERYONE! I BROUGHT THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER! First off, thank you Hidarii for the blobs, but also thanks for causing mass panic! I jest I jest. Alright, now to adress the issues I have picked up on so far *clears thoat* Ahem! [quote=Alfhedil] \o/Oh, I also had a bit of a question concerning the matter of the ICE, or internal combustion engine. I had heard from another participant that the RP had shifted a little more towards Dieselpunk, and I admit that's what drew much of my interest and is what my nation is originally based around. I can work around this to a degree, but would like a bit more solid information direct from the GM if you will. :D [/quote] As I said in the RULES of the roleplay, the internal combustion engine is much like that of the early 1900s, being a very new form of propulsion that was beginning to be applied to all sorts of transportation. What sort of specific, solid information would you want? (PM me) [quote=Monkeypants] And some of those nations are super massive.. like. Ultra massive. [/quote] [quote=Tatsua Aiisen] This was mentioned before, but a lot of these claims are excessively large. This should probably be addressed... [/quote] [quote=Senor Herp] I think 75 was some territory or protectorate of Durstweall in light green (not continental lime) and 95/94 was coast de jure belong to me but under administration and occupation from Durstweall, Shanghai-style with less economic rape and more semiconsensual modernization. And also economic rape. Map's otherwise good and illustrates that things are fairly blobby, might be because the scale of this pangaea is not set or not understood, might be that people want large blocs. I imagine the remainder of territory, assuming no further joining, is the obligatory smattering of neutrals. Not sure what ideas you might have, Hidarii, but I imagine that those middle hills, plains and woods at the mouth of the Cronemoor River would be a highway, nexus and graveyard of empires, a hotbed of world events. That Polynesia looking bit in the bottom-right is also presently unoccupied, but I think Shadow wanted it and is presently disputing his smaller size. Not sure of any others besides a 52-53-55 snake, but it'd look a bit odd. Something to work with. [/quote] [quote=Rhymer] Wow. So many new countries. I have no idea who is what now. What's the deadline for finishing Nation Sheets? I'm up for dropping everyone down to 1 region. The population thing seems largely arbitrary because this is a numbers-less RP. Also, welcome to all the new players [/quote] [quote=Alfhedil] While we are also looking at the geographical size of nations, perhaps this should be addressed as well. According to the setting, the world is still sorta emerging from a devastating disease that wiped out 80% of the world's population. Perhaps a bit of perspective needs to be gained here ._. [/quote] ETC ETC ETC Alright! Here a little edit so we can control the blob monsters. When I originally said people could claim more than one territory, I didn't expect people to start making fucking grocery lists of numbers, so here's how I'm gonna cut it down: Highlighter Yellow: Drop 64 and 67 Gigantic Whatever violet/darkpink: Drop 13, 14, 15, 16, 12, 11, 10, 24, 23, 22, 21 Brown: Drop 54 and 36 Regular Pink: Could you spare 59, 58, 57, 74, 73? As for the population issue. The Flu was roughly 300 years ago (and that would of been with the timeline....), so I'm setting the new Pop cap at 90 million. On top of that, I really don't know, nor really care that much about the actual world scale. I always found that sort of bogs down any fantasy NRP with people debating over it, and this one has been through enough red tape. This is not a game of numbers, no rolling dice or building spreadsheets of information. This is a STORY building NRP, and I want to remind everyone of that. If there is a battle, discuss it with the opponent and make some cool story from it or not. Lose for fun and just enjoy the evolving world. Sorry on my part for perhaps being a bit vague, like on a timeline and such. This has definitely been a lot for me to manage, BUT! I really really like that fact. It means you guys are involved enough and active enough to give me a page or two to read through when I'm gone for an hour. XD Anyway, I think I might appoint a Co-GM to help, but I'm not sure yet. Anyway, I'll be posting an updated map soon. Once everyone gets they're Nation sheets in, I'll put names on the territories and make it all fancy. The blobs are really just there as a rough draft reference. I will have obviously missed some of your other specific requests, so feel free to tell me now. Oh and I'm considering closing this for NSs very soon. Thoughts?