With the last of the anesthetic gone from her system, it was only a matter of time before the girl awoke. The air around her was warm as she opened her eyes, but her body felt spent and beaten; she could barely move as she let out a groan of fatigue, as she pulled herself to. Her mind was empty, clear of any memory that would help her determine where she was. Her eyes adjusted to the light of the nearby fire quickly, however, and she pulled herself up into a sitting position. She realized her clothes felt uncomfortable as she looked around; as she looked around at all the people laid out around the roaring fire. Only one was awake; and he hadn't seemed to have noticed her yet. She'd come along to help out on her school's camping trip; it was a memory that suddenly jumped into her head. A memory that served to keep her calm as her addled brain struggled to recover from whatever had happened to her. And so she spoke; hesistantly and groggily, but speech nonetheless. "Whuh- whuzz goin' on?" She asked, slurring her words as she suddenly realized how dry her mouth was.