[b][u]Enlistment Form[/b][/u] [b][u]Full Name:[/b][/u] Hawkins, Dominic [b][u]Callsign:[/b][/u] Joker [b][u]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] 28 [b][u]Branch of Service:[/b][/u] FSA Navy [b][u]Rank:[/b][/u] Lieutenant Commander - LCDR O-4 [b][u]Military Occupational Specialty:[/b][/u] Fighter Pilot - Skull Squadron Leader [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Appearance] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2d7wylv.jpg[/IMG] Dominic stands in at 6'1" and weighs 180lbs. He as an athletic, military build, and strong facial features. [/hider] [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Confident and mature, this light-hearted pilot is a generally good natured man with strong feelings of camaraderie towards team mates. Prideful and loyal, Hawkins holds the pilots under his command to a higher standard than most, and is unafraid to break protocol and regulations in order to support his subordinates. Casually boastful of his abilities, Hawkins has a can-do attitude towards most tasks, though is typically a relaxed and easy going individual, able to keep calm in most circumstances. His confidence and boastful nature often come off as arrogant, and his lack of professionalism often garners him the disapproval of higher ranking officers, though they typically let it slide after seeing his combat data. [b][u]Biography:[/b][/u] A FSA Squadron Leader, Dominic was an only child, son to Admiral Hawkins and a civilian mother. With a strong military background, Dominic had a fairly rigid childhood, as his parents sent him to military academies for most of his youth, hoping to straighten out mischievous and troublesome tendencies- with limited results. As a youth Dominic was well known as the school clown and jokester, rarely taking any of his classes seriously. Nevertheless, Hawkins got good grades, and upon graduating from the esteemed U.S. Naval Academy, he was sent to Mars to become a Aerospace Pilot. At the Mars Aerospace Academy, Dominic's humorous habits seemed to continue, whereupon he was given the nickname 'Joker', which has stuck to this day. While his teachers disliked him for his less-than-serious demeanor, Dominic had a talent for quickly learning aerospace maneuvers, and a knack for making up more unorthodox, but effective techniques on the fly. With such high promise, Dominic graduated near the top of his class, with high levels of mastery for the standard FSA PAF-40 Stingers, and the then-state-of-the-art Hl-08 Tornadoes. Dominic was assigned to the 24th Fighter Wing During his 3 year tour with the 24th Fighter Wing, Dominic was quick to earn an 'ace' title, easily scoring 10 kills against various pirates within his first year. During this tour Dominic also qualified with the M-85 Bomber as well as the PAF-41 Super Stinger, clocking in hours of both simulation and actual flight time. It was also during this tour that Dominic earned his first callsign, 'Cobra', for his tendency and preference to use Pugachev's Cobra while in combat. After a short leave period, Dominic was reassigned to the 53rd Fighter Wing, where he exclusively flew Hl-08s for the next three years. While with the 53rd Fighter Wing, Dominic was given the callsign 'Joker' for his habit of making jokes and smart remarks during sorties, and because several members of the 53rd were also part of Dominic's graduating class on Mars. While with the 53rd Fighter Wing, Dominic took part in the Siege of Cerol. This was a battle which took place between the remnants of the 16th FSA fleet, consisting of a carrier, a cruisers and a pair of frigates, attempting to break through a massive blockade/siege by a combined coalition of pirate factions. Cut off from reinforcements and facing the destruction of both the battlegroup, as well as the FSA colony, the beleaguered FSA ships were forced into employing a risky plan. Using a diversionary tactic, the remaining frigates and cruiser rushed the enemy lines, while the carrier deployed a small unit of fighters to destroy enemy capital ships and key structures. Stripped of most of their armaments and equipped with nuclear warheads, the small flight of 53rd fighters flew wide around the enemy lines in an attempt to strike the enemy from the rear. During the attack, Dominic and his flight launched a total of six nuclear warheads at the pirate fleet from close proximity. The success of the 53rd Wing resulted in the destruction of the the pirate flagship as well as several other capital ships. Without the leadership keeping the pirate factions in line, the resulting infighting and disarray allowed the remaining FSA ships to hold out long enough for a relief fleet to rescue them. While the fleet had been decimated and reduced to a single carrier and cruiser, Earning a medal for heroism, Dominic was granted several months leave to lick his wounds and heal his injuries, after which he was assigned back to the 53rd Fighter Wing, where he is close to completing his second 3-year tour. Now serving on The Vigilance, flying the Hl-10 Whirlwinds, Dominic 'Joker' Hawkins operates as a team leader, and squadron leader aboard the battlecruiser. Having clocked in extensive simulation time with the Hl-10 Whirlwind, Dominic is a capable and dependable fighter pilot. [b][u]Equipment:[/b][/u] [hider=Equipment] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/1zvqtf.png[/IMG] [b]APP-3 Pistol[/b] The Takashi Industry's APP-3 is one of the most common weapons in the world. A powerful, mass driving ballistic weapon, this pistol is a common site throughout the galaxy, common sidearms for militaries, police forces, civilians and criminals alike. Dominic's APP-3 is customized to have low-light/night iron sights, as well as a laser/light combo. [b]Caliber:[/b].45 MD-HSC (Mass driven hardened steel core) [b]Magazine Size:[/b] 21 [IMG]http://i41.tinypic.com/2cwqt68.jpg[/IMG] [B]Combat Knife[/B] Standard issue FSA Combat knife, with an energy projector to coat the edges with plasmatic energy. Ideal for close quarters when the 'continuum of force' has been reduced to hand to hand combat. For optimum performance, the leading edge, 'pointy end', should be applied to the enemy and thrust into vital regions. This should be repeated as necessary. [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/25t9u09.jpg[/IMG] [b]M-19 Saber PDW[/b] The M-19 Saber PDW is a small, compact firearm commonly used by vehicle crews. Packing the firepower of a rifle into the small, compact frame of an easily carried weapon, the Saber is effective in close quarters where its maneuverability and ease of use makes it most powerful. [b]Caliber:[/b]5.56mm MD-HSC (Mass driven hardened steel core) [b]Magazine Size:[/b] 30 [/hider]