[b][u]Enlistment Form[/u][/b] [b]Full Name:[/b] Lieutenant Commander Delilah D. Delores [b]Alias/es:[/b] Triple D, Big D, Mama D, Chief [b]Gender:[/b] Trans-Female [b]Age:[/b] 40 (35 if you ask her) [b]Branch of Service:[/b] FSA Navy [b]Rank:[/b] O-4 LCDR (Lieutenant Commander) [b]Military Occupational Specialty:[/b] Chief Engineering Duty Officer (commonly referred to as 'Chief Engineer' or 'Chief') [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_kC5MT2r5U8s/RmNbQmfwBcI/AAAAAAAABDw/INf4wKMJQcg/s320/ts-vaniity1.jpg] [b]Personality:[/b] She takes pride in her work and she's not shy about letting others know about it. A bit eccentric but practical and efficient with a mind well suited to her duties. It takes a lot to push her over the edge put she isn't above putting on a show for her subordinates in order to get them in line. Despite her military lineage she is quite lax when it comes to punishment, often preferring to deal with discipline "in house" rather than bothering the chain of command, for this she commands a lot of respect from her subordinates. She's quite professional in the workplace but off the clock she spends her time in the mess socializing and bragging about her 'sizable tool' which she regularly jokes is used to discipline her underlings. Delilah is, at her core, a passionate and caring person with a lewd sense of humor. [b]Biography:[/b]Delilah Dominique Delores was born as Dominic Jose Delores to 1st Sgt.(Ret.) Fernando "Nando" Delores and Lorena Delores. Her father was a LanderMarine with an accomplished, if not modest, military career. Her mother, Lorena, was a locally famous chef and even ran her own resturaunt for a time. They now both are enjoying their retirement in Tyson City, which was named for the scientist who first pioneered the expedition to colonize Mars (Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson). From the start it was apparent that Delilah (Dominic at the time) was not your stereotypical child. She dismantled and rebuilt every appliance in the house by the time she was ten years old. Her tinkering, despite being a major nuisance to her parents, was a clear indication of her talent for engineering. Her parents encouraged her to learn more about her hobby which eventually flourished into the passion for engineering she has now. A talent for tinkering wasn't her only unique trait, however. Delilah (Dominic at the time) would regularly express her desire to become female. After a few years of discussion her parents finally decided that it wasn't a 'phase' and that she truly desired to be female. So, in accordance with the Right to Physical Freedom Act, she began her first steps to becoming female at the age of fifteen and formally changed her name to Delilah Dominique Delores. Delilah's schooling improved once this change took place and her academic career was looking promising. Once she graduated from high school she enrolled in the FSA Navy Reserve Officer Training Corps at West Point on Earth. There she excelled and eventually graduated an O-2 Lieutenant Junior Grade. From there she was stationed at Jupiter Station where she acted as an engineering design coordinator for several projects under development there. Some of the projects she oversaw contributed to the complex designs found on many FSA Navy spacecraft. After a few years she grew tired of the safe and stable life aboard an R&D station. As many people feel when they are young she wanted adventure and excitement so she requested a posting aboard a ship. Her first posting was the [i]Stalingrad[/i], a recently commissioned destroyer with an untested crew. She spent several months aboard patrolling for rebels with no luck until a single engagement above a small nondescript almost destroyed the ship entirely. With a large number of casualties aboard Delilah was the highest ranking able-bodied engineering officer on-board and kept the [i]Stalingrad[/i] running well enough to limp home for repairs with only 17 crewmen as opposed to the typical 50. It was both a traumatic experience and one that showed just how much potential she had as an officer. After their initial loss and return to duty the [i]Stalingrad[/i] came back and won six victories against rebel forces before it was called back to have it's systems updated. Shortly after the [i]Stalingrad[/i] returned home Delilah was given a promotion to O-3 Lieutenant and was transferred to a larger ship, a battlecruiser called the [i]El Dorado[/i]. Delilah essentially shared the same duties that she would as a Chief Engineering Duty Officer. She made up performance reviews for the crew, ran readiness drills for emergencies, and coordinated efforts between the bridge and engine-room to name a few. Delilah spent most of her military career aboard the [i]El Dorado[/i] although she was briefly transferred to [i]The Vigilant[/i] to assist in repairs only three weeks before the legendary battle of Lazarus. After five more years aboard the [i]El Dorado[/i] she was finally promoted to O-4 LCDR and given the position of Chief Engineering Duty Officer in order to replace her commanding officer who had decided to retire. She continued to serve aboard the [i]El Dorado[/i] until she was offered a chance to serve aboard a newly commissioned battlecruiser called [i]Vigilance[/i]. Of course she jumped at the chance. [b]Notable Locations (for reference):[/b] -Tyson City- The first and largest city on mars founded by Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson. It was originally called 'Mars Colony One' but was later renamed in honor of it's founder just over 400 years ago. -Jupiter Station- A large orbital research and development facility locked in geostationary orbit above Jupiter's equator. Officially an R&D outpost for the FSA Navy, it also facilitates civilian companies contracted to the military such as Aurelian Aerospace Industries.