Killian and Jehu both turned towards the waking girl as she groaned and murmured her question aloud. "...Uh, who exactly should answer that, because I sure as hell don't fully understand what's going on here," said Killian as he scratched his head a bit before looking towards Jehu. "Fine, I'll be the one to inform the young lady," said the 'dog' as it stood up, revealing itself to be more cyborg and humanoid, despite having a dog-like head. "This is the Digital World! A pretty awesome place where I, a Digital Monster lives, but you can call us Digimon for short, we prefer being called that anyway. Although, all Digimon obviously have a species name, and some even have unique names. My species is Jehumon, but my unique name is Jehu... kinda odd, but hey, I like it! Anyway, back to all of this, don't be afraid of me, I'm one of the good Digimon, although, there are plenty of bad Digimon out there." "Like those lizard things... what were they again?" asked Killian as he started to pour some stew into a bowl. "Commandramon, just some Rookie level Digimon who aren't that scary. There are weaker Digimon, and far stronger ones as well though, so we have to be careful. Right now we're just waiting for everyone to wake up, get something to eat and get to know one another before we get as far away from the tower as we can," murmured Jehu as he pointed towards a dark and sinister looking tower not too far away. "I'm sure they're sending some Digimon after us, but for now we're safe." "Yeah... Anyway, want some? I've been keeping this warm so that everyone will wake up to a nice warm meal especially after the... well, change of scenery," said Killian before handing the girl a bowl of warm stew. "Heh... you got that right, sure beats the scenery you woke up into in there, didn't you? Also, what about what we found in the-" "Jehu..." "Sorry... Anyway, you can thank Killian, my Tamer here for rescuing you, and everyone else here! I went in to rescue him since his Digivice was calling out to him, and he decided to rescue those he could despite the risks," said Jehu before looking back towards the girl. "Sooooo... Just let all that sink in, don't freak out on us... if you have any questions, I can do my best to answer them!"