As time crept by the people and the visitors of the station continued their daily business, the sounds of laughter, anger, and much more erupting through the stalls and the many restored stores of the area. During all of that, the intercom came to life but started off with the screech of a microphone error. [b]"Attention, all available armed personnel associated with the guard please report to the gate. At this time any departures from this station is restricted due to complications outside the gate. Please have a sense of patience metro dwellers while your safety is insured."[/b] As the announcement was being given, the huge gates that were open for the trains were pulled shut by two men on each gate, moments later every guard who wasn't dealing with some issue or on some assignment was making their way towards the entrance to the tunnels. Some of them were at the ready, and their weapons were in their hands as if prepared to raise and fire at any moment. Something must have happened in the tunnels. Despite the flow of market being typical, there was a sense of concern drifting through the air. Some people were voicing concerns about returning to their own stations, others were cursing the authority for starting up some lock down. Needless to say; without a visit to the gate and a permission from someone there, the only way out was up to the surface.