Devin used to live in small town, it was where he had been born and raised. He had been a fisherman, with a happy life and loving wife. It was peaceful and quiet there, despite the fact that everyone knew one others business. That was until people in town started to go missing in the middle of the night, and the ones who returned would start acting strange. They refused to leave their homes at daylight and forced their guests to leave roughly at sundown. This was when the town went downhill quickly, people were afraid for lives, as they should have been. It happened right after sundown, he was on the way home when he was attacked. There was no seduction or being mesmerized as there should have been, Devin was attacked from behind with no warning. Fangs biting into his side, and without his mind dazed the turn was both more painful and powerful. He could feel his blood boiling in his veins, before his whole body went cold, and his heart stopped beating. When he awoke, a man looking no older than nineteen explained everything to Devin, claiming to be his elder and the one in control of him. Though he wasn’t as weak as the others, he fought the urge to listen to the man and visited his wife, when the so called elder found this out, the teenager killed her. And in return Devin killed him, before fleeing the others and running all the way to the states, once he got to the states he was forcibly brought before the dead vampires elder, a woman called Cadence. Instead of killing Devin, like was called for in their laws, the woman claimed him as her changeling, he took the place of the vampire he killed. Causing him to lose what chance of freedom he could have had, now he is on a much shorter leach than before.