Cheyenne grimaced, losing any calm she might've had earlier. She didn't do subtle often, but she had given it an honest effort this time. She stared the principal in the eye for less than a second, before taking action. Though Cheyenne certainly was no Hercules, her years of hard labor on a ranch gave her the strength to overpower the rather old principal. A quick sweep of the arm, and the walkie-talkie was on the floor. "We could've done this the easy way." Cheyenne muttered, kicking up her leg. Out from her boot slid the bowie knife, metal smoothly running across leather. Though it might've been a rather difficult maneuver, many bored nights had been spent practicing it, and it finally paid off. In the split second it took to do the motion, the knife was already in her hand. It was a quick death for the old woman, even merciful in consideration of what others might do. The oversized blade sunk deep into her neck, a spurt of blood quickly covering the terror on the old wrinkled face. Cheyenne walked away, blade easily sliding out to accompany her. A sigh tumbled out from her lips, as she began to wipe the blade clean, before shoving it back into her boot. [i]'That could've gone better.'[/i] She thought to herself. She really had thought her plan had been rather clever, and it would've gone off without a hitch. Perhaps people here were simply far more harsh than she had expected. Obviously, she would have to adjust her style, or be left in the dust. She could only imagine how the others were doing- more likely than not, the rest of the list had been crossed off by her competitors. She began to curse herself for the carelessness of that kill, unable to even savor the fact that she had accomplished it so quickly. It was then that she remembered the bottle of whiskey- That wasn't exactly something that she wanted left there. So, after quickly ducking back to remove the evidence, she continued a hasty, but not quite suspicious walk away from the corpse. As she walked, she pulled out her list, crossing off the name of the principal rather quickly. All in all, it hadn't gone too badly, after all. Cheyenne had managed to get some good information out of the Principal, along with the kill. Giacomo must already be in the town, which was good. But, that mafioso comment was unnerving. Though she hadn't really understand a man who would put a hit out on a principal, she also hadn't expected to be dealing with members of the mafia. Of course, perhaps it was simply an ethnic slur. Of course, she had been clear with the statement of drugs. A rather disgruntled look on her face, Cheyenne scribbled the word 'mafia' on the list, next to Salviati. A swig of whiskey rather quickly shifted her thought process. It was at that moment that she was walking past the church. For just a brief moment, she remembered the pastor being on her hit list. But she didn't linger. A religious woman, she did not need that murder on her mind. Let one of the others be responsible for that one. Cheyenne shook her head a bit. Who in their right mind would even commit a murder in a church, no matter what the price on the mans head?