Annabeth had, in truth, been awake for a while, feigning sleep in order to ascertain her surroundings. As such, she had been lying limp, forcefully keeping her eyes closed and her breath natural, even as she felt herself being moved. Yes, even as Killan put one head over her breasts and another's head between her legs. "It was the only way" bullocks. Still, she did not stir, just in the slightest possibility that there was some danger or some sort of trick. Staying on the bed and listening to the explanations of some sort of "digiworld," Annabeth began to weight her options even as she continued to feign sleep, thinking of all that she had learned so far. In all honesty, part of it felt like a bad dream but the other half, her more logical side, knew that this was no such thing. And she also knew she had to take action. Others were waking with no consequences so far. She could cease the acting. As such, she opened her eyes - blinking a few times to adjust to the light - and pushed herself off of the bed with much more finesse and strength than a newly awakened person should be able to muster and with not a single trace of fatigue and sleep in her eyes. "Good morning." she said plainly.