Having lost herself in playing Angry Birds on her phone as she waited, it took Paige a few moments to notice that something wasn't right. It was quiet. Too quiet for New York on a spring evening, even if it was in Central Park. She should at least be able to hear the cars from the street nearby, even if the park itself was deserted. Looking up curiously, she noticed that almost everyone had vanished. The only people left were some of the people that she had noticed before, like the two guys sitting on the park bench or the girl eating the hot dog. Before she could check her phone to see if she could really have zoned out long enough for most everyone to go home, as she did tend to zone out as a part of the BPD, a strange-looking man appeared. The strange thing about him wasn't how he actually looked, but how he dressed. Straw hats and overalls with black suspenders weren't exactly commonplace in the bustling metropolis that was New York City. The oddity, of course, was right in line with what Paige had experienced earlier that day, so she figured that he was probably the one responsible, though how was the question. Before she could ask, one guy, with dark hair, who was leaning against a lamppost spoke up, asking if what was going on was a joke of some kind. Suddenly, a thought that hadn't crossed Paige's mind before ran through. Maybe she wasn't the only one who had been communicated to? Well, that or the guy was someone who wasn't used to the weirdness of magic, not that she was all that familiar with it herself. Another male, this one with blonde hair, echoed the statement of the first guy, though he specifically asked why the “hillbilly” was there. By the time that Paige walked over to ask her own questions, like who he was and where he was from, a girl with brown hair had also arrived to ask her questions. While Paige waited for her “turn,” standing off a little bit to give the others some privacy, she noticed that two guys, a blonde and an older gentleman who both spoke some kind of weird language, and another girl with black hair hadn't yet approached either. The two guys didn't even seem to be aware of the stranger, at least at first, while the girl seemed wary of approaching the group without knowing more. The older-looking man clearly had, as he chastised them from harassing the stranger with so many questions all at once. Looking at her phone again, Paige noticed that it was now close to a quarter after nine, which meant that she had plenty of time to make it home before her parents began to grow worried. Movies didn't usually let out until around ten or so anyway. Hopefully the stranger would explain what was going on so that she could get home.