Snarling in frustration Gin shakes his left hand then stares at the back of it hard. His glare is icy and full of anger, and despite it not being directed in their direction, the gathered Nightmare Minions scattered about the throne room begin cowering backwards. Sensing dissension between the nightmares, Gin had ordered all those not already loyal to him to leave the palace. He had been a bit disappointed that no actual nightmares support him, his focus had quickly shifted to a very important matter. One of the minions, a short redhead with violet eyes, approaches the throne slowly. Her whole body trembles as she reached the bottom of the dais and she get buffed by Gin's dark energies. She glances over her shoulder, getting a few encouraging motions from her fellow minions, she licks her lips and turns back to their new leader. “Ex-excuse me my lord. Forgive my impertinence, but what seems to be the matter?” He voice, a light melodic sound, floats through Gin's fiercly concentrated mind and his heated gaze snaps to hers. She shudders and falls to her knees, dropping her eyes. Flame lashes across his lips as his tongue skates across them. Before he can think of a better of it he barks out, “That foolish geezer is more tenacious than I gave him credit for!” He immediately regrets his words as the gathered minions begins whispering to one another about Seishu still being alive. Beating himself mentally he adds, “But it won't be long. As I sit here, his powers will seep into me soon, and even if he lives, he will be helpless.” Those gathered look to one another, some with disbelief, but most seem reassured by his words. Unseen, beyond the doors, a small minion shuffles away from the door. Careful to not be seen he makes his way out of the palace. The once busy halls are empty, making it so that even his bare feet cause faint echoes that cause his heart to skip a beat when the sound reaches his ears. He manages to make his way outside without incident, and fleeing top speed down the thick grassy slope that leads to the palace his disappears into the tall waving grasses at the bottom. He turns one last time to look at the grand building, set upon what looks much like a mountain cut in half, the palace at it's peak. With a sinking heart he continues his escape. [i]'Master Seishu is alive. I must tell the others. The rift is freshly closed. If we can get through, we can save him and maybe then, the others will see that Gin's way is not right!'[/i] With that thought in mind the young minion makes his way to the others who are still loyal to Seishu, where together they will try and rescue their fallen lord. ____*____ Seishu feels his brow flicker as a kind of turbulence ripples through the are around him. His head turns to the boy rambling on beside him, but it only takes a moment to realize it's further away than that. [i]'I know this tingle'[/i] Bracing for impact the Nightmare Guardian tenses, but after a moment he thanks all things unholy when the blow is tempered by his counterpart. His gaze flickers over to the door as it opens. [i]'Well, doesn't he seem upset'[/i] A faint smirk tugs at his lips. [i]'Like an exasperated mother this one'[/i] His smile falters a bit when Enasi pulls up a chair, and falls completely at the look on his face. A sour taste grows in Seishu's mouth as the Dream Guardian lays out the issue. [i]'Ah hell no. . . . .'[/i] A low growl rumbles out as the guardian goes over all the reasons for the building energy. [i]'If it's Gin, then he most likely has realized that I'm not dead, and if he's smart. . . . .I know his plan. But it could be something else entirely, and if so this can all be avoided. I pray it's option number two, I really do'[/i] Taking a deep breath he looks over to Enasi. “I have an idea of what's going on. There are two main options. The first I kinda suckish, and the second is unfortunate, but easily dealt with.” Moving carefully Seishu pushes himself up against the headboard so he can sit up, meeting his counterpart's eyes on an even level. “The first option is Gin is tired of waiting for me to die, and is going to send in a group to take me out.” He waves his hand a bit to show he doesn't want to be interrupted. “The attack will look very much head on, but we're strategists, the lot of us, and knowing that you guys will sense them coming, Gin will most likely be using the attack as a distraction.” Seishu can't help an ironic smile to crease his lips. “I taught him everything, so I can say with confidence that a few of the fighters will have orders to hide, and sneak behind the fighting force to seek me out. Even in this state, they will be able to sense me.” A faint throb in his shoulder makes the guardian stop and hiss. “Gah, this damn shoulder. . . .Anyways, the best way to deal with that scenario is to keep you men back from the rift, forcing them to spread out to attack. It'll be harder for one to sneak away, and if you have a second line, out of sight, there should be no way for your sparklers to miss them.” Gagging internally at the almost compliment towards the dream residents, he quickly moves on to option two. “The only other major possibility is that the ones trying to get through are doing so to try and save me.” Raising his good arm, the Nightmare Guardian begins lacing together small strings of energy in his palm. “If that's the case, solving this little issue is simple and easy.” There is a faint flash in his hand and when the light fades a beautiful sprig of lilacs rests in his hand. The tiny bushel of flowers are of no natural color, the red stems and black pedals seeming to sparkle faintly. Reaching across his chest he holds out the flowers for Enasi to take. “I bred these flowers myself. There is only one bush of them in existence. I keep it in a remote place that none but my most trusted even know about.” He twirls them slightly. “Even if the ones burrowing through to rescue me aren't my most trusted, only when I'm at the palace they appear in the halls in waiting vases. They'll know what it means, and return without a fight. All you have to do is wait in sight of the rift, alone, and hold it up for them to see. If they are foes, they will attack, if they are friend, just hand it to the first one who approaches you and tell them to go home for now.” Seishu can't help smirking. “Unlike someone's underlings I know, my underlings never question.”