As the road became less barren and the trees began to space out, Norris turned his attention toward the town outside of the window as his friends chatted about what they wanted to do that night. While they were still in Florida for the time being, this town was still a new place—unexplored and full of possibility—Norris wanted to get everything he could out of this trip and if night one meant milling about a town that looked similar to the one he came from, he would make the most of it. At the very least, he was with his friends, and Caleb, Cara and Elissa never failed to turn even the most boring of places into an infinite source of entertainment. When he was shoved by Elissa, Norris couldn't help but laugh. “You know what I meant,” he grinned back at her, giving her leg a nudge with his foot. He knew that she wasn't mad at him, and as a couple, he could count on one hand the number of fights they had ever been in. Elissa was easy to get along with, pretty much the ideal girl for him. Cara weighed the options of the night, and decided that the beach sounded like the best bet. She was sure that Elissa and Norris would sneak off somewhere, which left her with some alone to share with Caleb. Hiding their relationship wasn't going to be easy when they were in such close proximity of Elissa and Norris, but the blonde girl would take what she could get. Besides, a walk along the beach with the accompaniment of the stars sounded perfectly romantic. “Beach sounds perfect,” she agreed with an excited smile as she finished folding the map. She tossed the paper back into the front seat and grabbed her bag from the counter in the small kitchen. “What are you guys hungry for?” Turning to Caleb, she gave him a playful nudge. “Let me guess; a burger, right?” Norris accepted Elissa's hands and got up from the couch. It was probably a little too fast for him, because the head rush that came with standing almost caused him to sit right back down. He had already taken his pills for the day, but the dizziness was just something that happened from time to time, there was no helping it. He did his best to ignore it, and not draw attention to the fact that something was wrong. He didn't want to slow his friends down just because he was feeling a little disconnected from the world around him, and he told himself that this would pass by the time they decided on something to eat. “You know Caleb,” he joked, managing a smile as he draped his arm over Elissa's shoulders, “he'll eat anything.” After giving his girlfriend's head a kiss, Norris headed for the door, ready to start walking and get some food.