Full Name: Henry "Wretcher" Fletcher Gender: Male Age: 27 Branch of Service: FSA "Landers" Rank: Chief Warrant Officer 3 Military Occupational Specialty: Combat Engineer specializing in ship systems and armed drones. Callsign: Hat Trick Appearance: [hider=Armor][img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1289823-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/hider] [Hider=No Armor][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/273/d/f/galactica_viper_pilot_by_phelandavion-d5mafej.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Drones]About the size of the average cinderblock. He carries two of them. [img]http://previewcf.turbosquid.com/Preview/2014/05/25__13_03_54/drone-02.jpgebb65e97-446b-4646-a924-d4bcf3dabff6Larger.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Guns] [img]http://thetruthaboutguns.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Cylon.jpg[/img] Plus the one in the armored picture[/hider] Personality: Henry has a problem with authority. He often feels that many officers don't deserve to command him. He especially has a problem with Naval Officers, quoting, "Landers do the dying, Navy just does the flying." Although Henry has no formal education, he is very intelligent, and takes every opportunity to show up the superior officers, which explains why he hasn't been promoted in a while. He enjoys working with his hands, and will often spend time tweaking his drones. He's a capable leader, but tends to step on too many toes. Biography: Henry had a fairly normal childhood, did well in school, had a few friends, nothing out of the ordinary except for his hacking and mechanical ability. However, instead of going to get an education as his family wanted him to do, he went straight into the military at age 18. Right away they had him pegged for a tech specialist. During his first official boarding simulation he made the navy re-think their security protocol for secondary systems, like gravity controls. Henry was largely responsible for the single fastest time of taking over a ship in simulation, as within a minute he was able to reverse the orientation of gravity, incapacitating most of the crew almost instantly. He earned his first promotion to warrant officer shortly thereafter. However, his attitude towards superior officers (often believing them to be inferior men or women) has really put a stopper on his climb through the ranks. During his years of service he earned the nickname "wretcher" from his tendency to cause many of the landers to vomit from the repeated change in gravitational orientation on ships he boards.