Isaac was thinking on the fly as he chased after Aubrey with Emery. Already the girl had solved the first part of the problem, picking the ideal route for them in a matter of seconds. However, carrying a sick woman all the way across the island would be no easy feat. He wasn't even sure if Aubrey's mother would survive the run, or if they would be able to evade capture. Plus even if they made it to the ship, then what? Would the crew just so happen to have the medicine she needed? Either way, Isaac had no control over any of that, and he wasn't about to suggest that Aubrey leave his mother behind. What he could control was how they carried her. "If we had some kind of gurney it would be a lot easier..." A mental image of his garage flashed before him. "A gurney! Emery, go meet up with Aubrey. I'll be back in a flash, I promise!" Without wasting another second, he dashed over to his garage with two supplies in mind: a pair of steel pipes that were lying against the wall, and a roll of duct tape. He grabbed the pipes under his right arm, and took off with the roll of duct tape in his left, then prayed to any gods or goddesses that he could think of that no Crucibelian soldiers would intercept him on the way to Aubrey's house. "Alright, I'm here!" Isaac called as he pushed through the door to Aubrey's house and began racing up the stairs, supplies in hand. Upon finding Aubrey, though, Isaac did a double take, seeing his friend in the company of another boy that seemed to be armed to the teeth. He wasn't wearing a Crucible uniform, though, and he wasn't pointing the guns at anybody, so he figured he would ask questions later. He laid the two pipes on the floor and began ripping off a few pieces of duct tape as he explained what he was doing. "OK, we're making a gurney. It'll be the safest way to transport her. Use her blanket, and tape it to the pipes. It'll be a bit rickety, but it's a hell of a lot better than having her ride piggy back on somebody." As quick and concise as his instructions were, he still spoke calmly and clearly. It was a pretty simple project and they shouldn't have any trouble getting it built in a minute or so. Isaac was already taking the blankets off the bed and seemed to expect the others to start taping.