"* Ugh my head*" The first thing Danny noticed after he woke up was a guy in glasses freaking out over something. After getting up,he also noticed some other kids sitting around a fire as well as something that looked like a miniature humanoid fighter jet. After a few seconds his brain finally registered that this wasn't normal at all. Rather than join Glasses in his freak out he forced himself to remain calm, after all they didn't seem like kidnappers and if they wanted to hurt him they could have done so while he was asleep. However to make sure he tried to remember how he got here. Unfortunately he could remember having some fun behind the computer while his parents were away. Luckily for him though, whatever brought him here also provided some clothes even if he had never seen this set before. Anyway since Danny was sure the others heard him earlier there was no reason for him to pretend to be still out of if, so he got up and walked to the group around the campfire. " Enig idee wat er aan de hand is?" As soon he said it he realized they might not speak Dutch, so he switched to a language they hopefully did know. "Sorry about taht, EI meant any idee what's going on?"