[center][b]Rheinfeld - Scheideweg: Laenaia[/b][/center] Laena flicked her eyes around the group somewhat nervously. It didn't matter that she was travelling with the Blades and the Templars was practically an allied group for the mission, one do not simply forget what the Templars view of vampires generally were. Throughout the trip she had kept her mind busy from worrying by talking with the other travelling Blades whenever she could. Although somewhat saddened when she noticed that her fellow vampire was avoiding her, she put it aside as she entertained herself by playing along with Kasim's advancement. Unfortunately for the archer, she simply won't spend a night out with him while they're on the road. The other male was at least a good enough person to talk with. Her last companion baffled her however, in that the sprite apparently had traveled with a group of Templar in their duty and for some reason, seeing her flitting about made the vampire felt calm. Upon arrival to the encampment, Laenaia noticed that some of the Crusaders were eyeing them warily, a fact that she noticed some of the other Blades noticed, especially after Kasim send his telepathic message. The sudden message did make her tense. Frowning under her hood, she thought on what she could do. Apparently Zin and Draza decided to look for Alida, while Kasim chased after the cloaked woman assassin. She looked at the last Blade and the tent. After a bit of thought, Laenaia decided to do the same thing as Kasim, only she went towards the Crusaders. She judged the reaction of the crusaders she approached, if any of them seemed hostile she would stop her approach.