[quote=Lord Pie] Hey! Apologies for the delay - I shall work on a CS. Not sure what or who at the moment - but I will have a think and make a decision. [/quote] Yay! [quote=Bunnita] K, so like I'll work on a companion and a main then. Just in case like you know, the next RPer to join wants to be a companion instead of a main... not cuz I wanna be the main charrie. Like I can be special in a non-spotlight sorta way. I just wanna make sure peeps like me be prepped up and rip-roaring ready to go-go-go at a moments notice. Know what I'm sayin' bruh?! Yeah... the bunny is like cereal. Special K... yush... ready for primetime... and breakfast too. Know wut I'm sayin...? xDDD Wait. Wut. You don't know what I'm saying?! Me tooooooooooo~~!! ~BOING!!!~ K. Workin' on muh charries^-^!! ~Later~~!! [/quote] So how are you coming along?