Nora reached out and took the sticky note, looking briefly down at the number before looking back up. A corner of her mouth twitched up into a sort of half smile and she nodded. "Thank you, Doctor. For helping her. And me. When you don't even really know me." She looked at her curiously as she said that. It had been the first time she had thought that but it was true. The Doctor didn't know her and she was going through all of this trouble to help. Nora watched the woman vanish down the hall and made a mental note to ask her about it the next time she saw her. Evie opened the door for her sister when she knocked and she was smiling as she started brushing dirt off of Nora's clothes. "You're filthy," she commented with an affectionate tone. "Yeah, well, I'll tell you about it when the whole wedding thing is over," Nora said as she shrugged off her jacket, leaving her in a gray t-shirt and jeans. She had the sticky note clenched in one hand and she was now touching her hair with the other, looking at Evie a bit guiltily. "Do you think we can save it without a shower?" "Mmmm don't think so. Rinse off really quickly and I'll do it for you." Evie had always been better at those sort of things so Nora went into the bathroom with a fresh set of clothes in her arm without much argument and stood under the warm water for a few minutes, letting the dirt slip from her skin and hair. She was out and wrapped in a towel in record time and was quickly dried and dressed in the jeans and sweater Evie had lent her. As an afterthought she slipped the sticky note into her jeans pocket before going back outside. The brown haired girl plopped down onto the bed and her blonde haired sister crawled beside her, armed with a hairbrush, and began pulling it through Nora's long hair, smoothing any tangles with gentle strokes. Nora closed her eyes and smiled a little. "Did Mum see you like that?" she heard Evie ask and she laughed softly. "Yeah, unfortunately. What a shame. She probably expected me to arrive looking like a beautiful butterfly or something." "Well when I'm finished you'll be the most beautiful butterfly on them all. Except for me of course." Nora nudged her sister, and then Evie pushed back and soon there was less hair brushing and more giggling.