Name: Phrenesis Creature: Corrupted Spirit Age: Unknown, very old. Personality: Phrenesis simply put, is insane. He spends his life in a walking frenzy of delirium and madness. However this said he is somewhat capable of having coherent and linked thoughts, and when he desires can seem almost normal to the outside observer. His habits of possessing creatures and ruining their lives has lead him to develop a twisted sense of humour that is driven by misery and suffering of others and all around him. He may have once been evil, but now he cannot even remember his past and despite his cruel and unstable nature now sits in a more natural position when it comes to good or evil. That being said he relishes in chaos and disruption, and constantly seeks any way to worsen the stability of Emanseria for his own entertainment – most would indeed consider him to be ‘evil’. Bio: Phrenesis has lost the knowledge of his own origin, having wandered Emanseria for the duration of his recollection. He has no corporeal form per say, however can possess and take control of any being of Emanseria who is weak willed or foolish, or any who he tricks into drinking a substance called the ‘Breath of Phrenesis’ – a magical liquor that he is able to produce when in his ‘natural’ form (referring to when he is not possessing any other creature, though in this form he is not visible and cannot interact with the majority of objects). He likes to torment any he encounters and greatly enjoys the misfortune he has become quite skilled at bringing down on his intended targets, his own warped sense of humour driving almost every action that he commits. He dislikes being outsmarted or defeated in any way, and will hold a lasting grudge against any who do so. One such of his ‘rivals’ is the Gypsy Ada Lovelace – having on numerous occasions (though some number of years ago now) attempted to possess her or those she comes into contact with. He has on several occasions attempted to trick her into consuming the Breath of Phrenesis, however each time she has bested him. Eventually he gave up, sulking away and spending the next few years destroying the lives of easier prey. However in the back of his mind a burning passion for Ada has never faded, and he often thinks of any plot that may one day succeed at someway gaining him his revenge. Appearance: When in his ‘natural’ form Phrenesis cannot be seen by any person or creature, other than those using magical means. The only exception to this is creatures of a feline nature, cats being able to both see and sense him. This has contributed to Ada’s constant bettering of him, and he constantly seeks a way to remedy this issue or gain any advantage over her. He otherwise shares his appearance with whatever creature he happens to be possessing at the time, with the ability to alter the appearance slowly over time to better fit his will. His ‘default’ vessel is a demented Raven named ‘Sparrot’ that has always done his bidding and is his ‘loyal’ servant, seeing Phrenesis as both his God and his lover (don’t ask). Sparrot allows Phrenesis to possess him at any time, and when independent follows his instructions to the letter. Hows this? Like I said just an idea that I hope would go well with the type of idea you had in mind. Let me know if anything needs changing in anyway, or indeed if you don’t think Phrenesis would work so well with what you were thinking.