Alex took note of the success of their front line and moved his attention away to assess any other needs. Jalo seemed fine. Six got caught out and melted a guy's face, but she didn't seem prepared for what the man's trained ears picked up from the other end of the hallway. As he was defense, he did as his job called for and stepped beside her. With one arm, he gently but quickly moved her behind him and took aim behind the group. A group of guards were coming to try and flank the subjects. The lead guard saw the group and began to yell to his comrades. "There they a-" And subsequently took an arrow through the throat. The others hesitated for a moment and looked at the source. One of the guards, a freshly briefed one, lost every bit of color when he saw Alex. His body locked up and he stammered. "He...he got out...f-fuck...we're dead!" His comrades didn't react as badly, but they were trembling. It seems they realized that Alex was quite the tactical threat due to his training and his being armed more than the guards. As he was oh so dangerous, tone decided to charge him. He charged into melee with 080. Alex simply delivered a swift preemptive kick to the side of the guard's knee and then grabbed the falling guard's head, delivering a quick snap the the neck. Meanwhile, the other guard took aim at the target that Alex was protecting. Alex saw the guard taking aim at Six and promptly blocked the view to her. The two bursts meant for her ended up hitting him. One caught in his armor and the other got him directly in the forehead. His head snapped back a bit, not painfully, and the guard looked triumphant until Alex lowered his head. Cracks had appeared along the man's forehead, but the bullets hadn't even hit properly. The damage was superficial overall. The guard aimed for another set of bursts, but Alex reacted quicker, drawing his hatchet and throwing it squarely into the guard's chest. As the guard reeled, Alex put away his bow while drawing his machete. He pounced on the guard and brought the blade down to lacerate and fracture the guard's gun arm. His now free hand pulled out the hatchet and used it as a hook to pull the man from behind the neck to the ground, where he brought the machete down to nearly decapitate the target. The first guard that was practically going into a mental break down saw what Alex did and how he did it with no remorse, emotion, or expression. His partial break down became a full hysterical break down and he fled the scene, his gun on the ground. Alex picked up one of the guard's guns and the extra ammo, smiling only slightly at how nice these fine guards were for hand delivering such nice weapons. This carbine came with a flashlight, fore grip, and red dot sight. After a moment of adjusting, he returned to Six's side and returned to his vigil. "Careful. These guards like to try and flank. Listening for them does not always work. I can be your eyes for now if you like." The wound he suffered seemed to have absolutely no effect on him, however, Alex knew he couldn't take much more to the same place before he got hurt.