The [i]Night Fury[/i] dropped out of hyperspace heading down to the planet. Immediately through the force and from seeing the fires Karl could tell that something was wrong. He pressed the key that would activate the intercom in the ship. "Uh guys. We've got a problem, you might want to come to the cockpit." AS he heard them all enter he pointed down towards the planet surface, to where they were heading. It was burning, buildings couldn't be seen from here however he was sure when they got closer he would be able to see the ruins of what were once buildings. He could sense a dark presence however he wasn't absolutely sure whether or not it was the planet that was [i]once[/i] home to the lost tribe of the Sith. As it may have been at some point but now it was in flame. He turned his seat around to face the door as he heard the other Jedi file into the cockpit. "I think this may be more of a lead than they thought it was.-" He pointed out towards the planet. "-and it doesn't look like someone is overly happy with them."