[quote=FaithsRose] And I'm done for the week :D I actually have a whole weekend of free time ahead :O Destiny I'm going to post up something in reply to you today ^^ Sorry for making you wait so long :( not sure whether to post with Crash or hold off o.o Seem to have fallen into a post order with that interaction ^^' Otherwise...NK pictures are looking great :D Particular favorite is the gender bent Ryuu xD Also hope you're feeling better now <.<' Erm...I think that covers everything? ^^' Sorry about the inactivity! [/quote] Hey! One whole weekend?! IF... IF THEO ONLY... -cries in a corner for Krash- On another note, do what you see is fit for your desires! You can talk with Theo about that one part with Crash. And ty for the compliment! Genderbendertenderlavender. [quote=Destinyfailhorror17] -Hugs Faith- It so totally Fine Faith! Welcome back also!! ^w^Random thing of the day for me! I had to illustrate something for a camp thing called System thinking. [/quote] I will forever envy your coloring abilities (and that drawing itself). [quote=chukklehed] Hey everybody but Nyankat and Rose, check this out! [/quote] Btw, for those that haven't noticed yet, Data is a confirmed and accepted character. I liek et.