Skylar smiled a little, as she turned her face toward where the feminine voice came from, propping her hands gingerly on top of the upright cane. Listening to her words, the blonde chuckled softly as she recognized the quote and name. [b]"Ah a fan of Karl Marx? Mhm I once read a book from him back home."[/b] she mused thoughtfully at the memory. It was quite hard to find a book in Braille, but The Communist Manifesto was one of them. She didn't quite share in their beliefs, but she tended to respect just about any sort of belief. [b]"So perhaps I should have hit you harder o make you mentally feel better?"[/b] Skylar joked softly with a soft chuckle. [b]"If you could do us a favor, we were wondering where is the best store to get some supplies? Like food for traveling."[/b] she asked warmly, her smile bright and cheerful. Out of the group, she was the most socially friendly, and not very intimidating. She liked talking with people, learning new things and such. It was a fun experience for her. Xurga's bright glowing blue eyes stared down the female Apelesshar, seeming to watch for any sign of trouble toward his Apelesshar daughter. His powerful arms crossed and his claws clinking lightly against his armor. He wasn't as trusting nor as friendly towards outsiders of the tribe, though his judgement would only call forth if they do something wrong. Which is quite possible. As Keepa seemed to question about the situation, Xurga glanced toward the much smaller male. [b]""[/b] he said. Ashiek rolled his eyes, canine pointed ears twitching as he tried to listen to what the two were saying. He knew more English then Xurga, but not too much. [b]""[/b] he smirked as he lightly tugged teasingly on the bunny's long ear. As a man approached, Xurga's eyes narrowed at him at the approach, examining this new possible opponent. Ashiek watched him as well, but looked more relaxed. Skylar blinked as she turned her head to face toward where the new male voice came from, unsure who he was exactly talking to. Considering where the sound of his voice came from, she guessed it was for this girl she had come across. Just then, the announcer spoke and the blonde human couldn't help but flinch and cover her ears at the loud noise. For the others, it was pretty normal, but to her it rung her ears due to her heightened sense of hearing. Ashiek moved closer and gently patted her back in order to somewhat comfort her, and she nodded her thanks before turning to Xurga and repeating the announcers message in Elviran. [b]""[/b] the large black tiger said in a calm voice.