Awesome, very interested in this, especially the ‘luck’ based decisions and reincarnation element. Eager to see what the story of this will be! Wasn’t sure exactly what kind of character vibes you were going for, but this is what I’ve come up with. Let me know if anything needs changing or if you had something totally different in mind. Name: Teres Wratherton Nicknames/Aliases: Wrath Gender: Female Age: 23 Appearance: Teres is 5’9, slightly taller than most women, though definitely not the tallest. She has a light frame and a somewhat athletic build, but more recently has gained a little weight adding curves to her physique due to her relatively lazy lifestyle. She has a naturally lighter skin tone than the average person, which combined with the fact she now spends most of her time indoors has resulted in a slightly pale appearance. She keeps her light blonde hair long, it naturally being slightly curly and often ending up a tangled mess. She often ties it back or up, especially when doing something more active (not a regular occurrence as of late). She is quite protective of her hair, having grown it long for the first time in many years – and she plans to keep it that way. Teres wears an assortment of clothes, strongly favouring hooded tops and other jackets with hoods – an old habit of hers that is hard to shake. She wears jeans or other practical leg-wear as opposed to dresses or blouses – aside from the rare special occasion. Personality: Generally speaking Teres has quite a fiery and independent personality, but is friendly and happy the majority of the time. Unwanted talk of her personal life (or unwanted topics of conversation in general) drives her to become aggressive and bitter, her personality making an almost complete shift from her usual carefree demeanour to one of an short tempered and angry disposition. She is articulate and very smart, but wastes her intelligence somewhat as she generally fails to commit herself to any particular course of action for any sufficient period of time. Teres may seem to make friends easily, however the truth is she has no real friends – failing to make any meaningful relationships that go deeper than surface superficial levels, this was not always the case. She generally ignores problems for as long as she can before dealing with them. Occasionally she can become depressed and very melancholy about her situation, despite the fact there are very few ‘real’ problems that face her. Skills: In terms of realistic life skills that she could use to contribute to society, it could be said that she has none. Alternatively it could also be said that she has a great many skills. She often loses interest in any skill she pursues after a few weeks, though will occasionally revisit these skills at a later date, this has led to a very varied however slightly shallow skillset. Her most noteworthy skill would be her ‘social skills’, having the ability to portray herself however she wants, though others would call it a proficiency in lies and misinformation. The only others worth mentioning would be her proficiency with technology, having spent much of her time using computers of all kinds as well as a brief job as a skilled technician (however she was soon let go after her employers realised that she had bluffed her way through the interview process and first few weeks at the role with none of the actual required qualifications). This was possible as she has also gained a fair amount of skill at forging all kinds of documents and qualifications, which has previously landed her in a spot of trouble. Aside from these she has also managed to stick with the violin, now after many years being able to play a few short pieces here and there. History: Teres had a mostly normal childhood, living with both parents until her eighth birthday when they divorced and she moved to live with her mother, seeing her father on only rare occasions. This however didn’t affect her much, and she still continued to have a ‘normal’ life, this was until her teenage years. She felt out with her mother due to her performance at school dropping dramatically as she became much more interested in spending time with her friends. After her exams were completed she left her mother’s house and moved to live with her father, leaving the relationship with her mother in tatters. She soon came to realise that she had had it easy with her mother, being allowed to do pretty much whatever she wanted. Her father was much more of a disciplinarian who tried to get her to sort her life out – it was during this period that she attempted employment several times, however each job either fired her or she stopped turning up. This resulted in another massive blowout, this time with her father which caused her to leave home for good. She now lives on her own, surviving through money made as both a ‘jack-of-all-trades’ and also several more questionable sources (generally scams involving wealthy men, or on occasion a little illegal work through her ‘friends’). Other: Smokes, drinks, does pretty much whatever she wants with little regards to long term consequences. [hider=Sample] The only light in the dim room emanated from the artificial glow of the laptop screen and the occasional blinking of a digital clock, the window was open narrowly and a cool breeze occasionally found its way inside amongst the smoke filled room. Teres sat fixated to the glowing screen, her eyes darting this way and that as she navigated a maze of programs and different screens, often moving one window to the static monitor that was sat on the desk beside her. A quick glance at the clock revealed that it was now 4:02am and soon light would begin creeping back into the sky outside, causing her to furrow her brow in near disbelief at how quickly the night had slipped her by. Luckily for her she had no plans or commitments, and so it mattered little what time she eventually went to sleep, and she discarded the thought from her mind. She reached over and took another cigarette out of the nearly empty packet, sparing only a brief moment to light it before she immediately directed her attention back to the array of tasks she was completing, simultaneously listening to music, watching several things and messaging a few people. The room behind her was a mess of papers, piled clothes and general junk. There were boxes filled with all manner of different things, bits of computer components, random bits of collectable memorabilia, different electronic devices and even some old antique goods – basically anything she had picked up and was planning on selling or passing along one way or another. A large printer lay dormant for the moment buried under bits of paper and plastic, discarded documents of all kinds littering the sides next to it, remains from forged documents or failed IDs she’d toyed with. She had let the standard slip slightly as she always seemed to after a big payoff, the luxury of having plentiful spending money seemed to send her into a self-indulgence spree each time. She neglected the usual things that would otherwise be routine for her, turning her usually tidy apartment into a den of squalor and mess. Up until earlier that night she had been hosting several of her friends, the small group spent their time watching foreign films, smoking and drinking – doing pretty much whatever they felt like. Not that she would admit it but she somewhat dreaded the moment the funds would begin to dry up once more and she had to direct her attention back to financing, but that was a concern for her to worry about at a later time. For now she was more than content to push such thoughts from her mind as she enjoyed herself and generally lazed around to her hearts content and followed whatever impulses came to her each day. As her head started to drop and her eyes started to feel heavy she took a deep breath before deciding to finally call it a night. She spared only a few moments to power down the computer she had been using before turning and moving across the room to where her bed was hidden under a pile of clothes and opened shopping bags. In a few swift moments the bed was clear and she sprawled out, sparing only a few moments to wriggle out of the restricting jeans she had been wearing before she buried herself under the covers. It took only a few seconds before she was sound asleep. The murky dreams rolled around Teres head as she slept, visions and various images danced around the edges of her consciousness their recollection mostly eluding her and leaving only a strange sense of confusion. At one moment she seemed to recall life amongst the waves, the sound and smells of the sea assailing her senses as if she were only just there moments ago atop the deck of a huge behemoth of a ship – only to be replaced moments later with a feeling of dread as she remembered being surrounded by a mass of writhing bodies, each clad in armour wielding savage blades which pierced through her torso sending multiple prangs of agonising pain lancing through her as she felt hot blood flowing over her skin. Moments later the memories washed from her mind and she was left drifting with more sights and smells that were strange and alien to her yet so tantalisingly familiar it practically taunted her, pushing her to examine each piece of information as closely as she could before it was torn away. The entire night progressed this way, each memory seeming to last almost a lifetime but then vanishing in a split second without warning. When she finally awoke from the strange slumber it was the same as always, the memories retreated and she was left with practically no recollection of any of the wondrous things or even a vague idea of what she had dreamt of, remembering once more only what she knew of her current existence. Each night the dreams came with increasing intensity and quantity, but again and again the memories never hung and she was simply left with an odd dazed feeling, wondering what she had dreamt of throughout the night that caused her to wake with a start, often covered in sweat and a sense of urgency gripping her very being. [/hider]