[b]Rakata Prime- Stravon Dridis[/b] Stravon stared at the sith lord in relative silence. It was an obvious question that was asked, and his response of consulting the other sith lords seems equally obvious, but now it was a question of how to respond to this. Eventually Stravon replied with what he deemed an adequate answer, he just hoped Darth Scelus would feel the same way inclined. "Well, my employer has their eyes on the Seat of High chancellor, apparently the old Jedi temple will be your first reward if my employer succeeds in their 'conquest', a worthy trophy wouldn't you agree?" Stravon knew fine well that he had to be careful in what he thought and said, anything could provide a hint and give this Sith lord the inclination to betray us or demand more that was been given, something that Stravon made sure he tried to avoid at all costs. The simple rule was to give what seems like a lot and make sure you don't give away too much. Darth Scelus continued to stand there, emotionless and silent. And finally Stravon offered one last term of the deal "And I'm too offer my services to you until you make your mind up, and afterwards ,depending on your answer, until I'm needed elsewhere" Stravon was sure that this was enough to persuade this member of the sith lords, but he was still unsure. [b]Space over Vondarc- High general Vallen[/b] "Sir we are entering the battle space" This was the captain letting Vallen know that the travel through hyperspace was almost over and very shortly his ship would enter the war zone. Vallens heart was pumping fast and anticipation took hold of him, for Vallen secretly loved war, he loved entering a battlefield in a ship that made all others obsolete and frail in comparison to his. It was a sign of supremacy and that all hope was lost for the other side. With a burst of light the Colossus exited Hyperspace and outside of the view screen Vallen could see multitudes of Fighters locked in dogfights and Corvette class ships in the vanguard ensuring no bombers got past. "Right!"Vallen stood up form his chair and went onto the platform at the centre of the bridge, this allowed him to keep his eyes on the battlefield and easily direct orders to his men. "Let Kellam know that he can leave with the fighters and tell him to assist the others, stress to him that no bombers be allowed through!" "Right away sir" Came the response from the left of Vallen "Sir a comm channel has been opened by Xer Loa" "Patch us in Warrant officer" The Warrant officer in front of Vallen gave a nod to signify that the comm chanel was open. "Xer Loa, it's touching to see that you've started the party with out me. Anyway, I'm glad you have a defensive perimeter around my ship but its time to lure the enemy into a trap, I've made sure to have the rest of the fleet to take a longer way round, they'll appear on the right just roughly where the enemy vanguard is, my plan is to lure them out of their line by using the Colossus as bait, and once they do move after the juicy bait the rest of the fleet will appear behind enemy lines and we can crush them in a cross fire!" There was a chorus of applauds on the deck at this plan, normally this wouldn't occur for a bait dish, but this one had teeth and they all knew that it'd take more than the enemy fleet to take out this ship. "Do you have any input on this Xer Loa?"