The breaking down of the main door was the first part, it was only then did the chaos truly begin. Guards rushing forwards, although some remained hesitant to even try to capture them all. However, his attention was focused more on Six than it was these idiots at the moment, although she seemed more than capable after he spotted her melting off a guard's face, now that was impressive. Still, he had his own worries to content with, despite hearing a gunshot, he knew the others here could handle themselves, and with both hands free he was now free to do some lovely damage to this assholes. Moving forward, he headed towards Six, but annoying his path was blocked by a guard that decided it would be a good idea to try and attack him with a stun gun. Grabbing the guard's wrist and quickly snapping his wrist, his other fist connecting into the guard's gut. While his now free hand reached for the blade he carried, lifting up the guard by his collar, he was a lot stronger than he looked after all. The blade impaling the guard straight through the heart, the elder dropping the body as he fell lifelessly to the ground, a sadistic grin covering his expression. With a flick of his right wrist, blood splattered across the floor off the blade he held, but quickly sheathed. He couldn't be relying on that all the time now could he? More guards soon entered from both the group's flank and from in front as well. Well dammit. Four now surrounded Shin in an attempt to try and capture him, what, were they idiots or something? Apparently so. [b]"Just give up and.... c-come with us."[/b] One spoke up, only getting a snort from the elder male as a reply. Like hell that was ever going to happen! No getting any reply, three of the guard's charged him, spinning around the silver haired male quickly beheaded one. Throwing the second into the third before that same blade pierced their hearts, one wearing a cloak that was actually totally undamaged. But he didn't have time to look just yet, walking forward as blood dripped from the blade's steel onto the floor, the last guard fled quickly. For once, Shin let them go, but he would quickly regret that decision soon enough. Flicking the blood off the blade and sheathing the weapon, the elder easily moved past and picked up the cloak off the now dead corpse, hooking it around his neck by a small clip. The entire item falling about his body, covering everything apart from his neck upwards. Very nice, this made it even easier to hide weapons and the like. But before he could move on to help the others, he heard a sudden loud battle cry. Turning around to see fourteen guards from the flank of the group charging forwards, towards the nearest person, which by now happened to be Shin. [i]Well crap,[/i] came the mental curse as he spun on his heel. Not wanting to waste time he darted forwards, taking two by surprise by beheading the pair within one motion. Two more were quickly frozen from their feet to their knee's via his own powers, allowing that same blade to go right through their hearts, if only it was always this easy. It was clear that the word 'mercy' wasn't in his vocabulary at this current moment. A fifth was grabbed from behind by Shin, his neck snapped from behind as the guard fell to the ground with a loud thudding noise. Stepping back, with nine left he didn't know how he was going to handle all of this. With all of them now spreading out trying to surround him again, after all what lovely results they had gotten from their first attempt of that. Glancing back quickly at both Six and Eighty he soon call out as flames rose from his body, to deflect anything fired at him from a distance. "Hey Eighty, little help over here!" He called out, he didn't like asking for help really if he could help it. But at the moment, his current power wasn't enough to take all of these idiots on alone, unless he wanted to pass out of course. In a situation like this, that event was to be avoided at all costs, and so he had to limit himself from just destroying everything in this room with one blast. Even with things as they were, regardless of how long it took for others to help him. Shin moved forward, wanting to take out as many of these idiots as possible. With eventual help, he and anyone who felt they could join in including Eighty to help. Cutting down each as quickly as possible, but as he finished with the supposed last. Something was very wrong, they had only taken out eight of the nine that he had counted. So just where was the last of those guards? Glancing around, he spotted the guard, fully armored this one, even more than the rest. Bow and arrow in hand, arrow poised, his eyes followed the aim, straight at Six. To them it seemed, she was the weak link. And he had so hoped they had been too dumb to work something so important out. If one fell, the others would follow not long after, fuck! Shin began to dart towards Six's position just as the arrow was fired off, he knew he might not make it but even if he didn't something else might. Still, within that split second he had an idea, wasting not an instant. The elder was suddenly propelled forward, the flames behind his feet allowing him to move at speeds far beyond normal human beings for the shortest of moments, a silver blur for that single second until he was standing to the right of Six. The arrow having reached him and stopped dead, now within his hand as he snapped it in half, glaring towards the guard who dared to do such a thing. Soon with his left hand, gently taking a hold of Six's own simply to make sure she was alright he spoke then towards the guard before speaking to her. "Ya really shouldn't have done that." Shin explained, voice serious with a hint of something far more deadly. The smile he wore highly sadistic and thin, stretching even further across his face, one thing was clear when he appeared as he did currently. He was not happy, but oh would he enjoy making this moron suffer. Directing his thoughts and power to the one left from the mob of them, blue flames surrounded the guard, quickly encasing him in ice, the temperature in the room dropping due to Shin's own irritation. The guard himself after a few minutes simply dying due to the sudden cold and lack of air, and despite the tall male easing up on the power and letting the now frozen corpse fall to the floor, others would see the arms, legs and head broken off from the rest of the guard's body due to the cold temperature. Well now he knew one thing, when he got irritated his powers seemed to jump start all of a sudden. Nice to know. Glancing back over at Six, his hand increased it's grip on her's for a moment before relaxing. "You alright?" He asked in a brisk and almost worried sounding tone. Three knew he could keep going for a little longer, but many more sudden intense use of his powers would tire him out quickly, and that was what he aimed to avoid.