"Morning to you too," Killian said with a smile as he noticed Annabeth waking up. "Yes, the drain was real, and we were escaping from... well, bad Digimon who wanted to do bad things to us apparently. As for the drainage pipe..." Killian nodded his head as he turned towards Arista. While it wasn't pleasant being in there for obvious reasons... what he [i]saw[/i] while he and Jehu were dragging everyone made him vomit a few times. They didn't need to know that at all. "...Yeah, that was real as well. Sorry for any bumps or bruises though, it couldn't be helped since that was our only escape." Patting Fleur on the head, and letting him to eat the stew at his own pace, he turned towards Jehu before going to get more bowls as others started waking up and asking questions. "Okay... I don't think I can explain this properly to everyone... Jehu? Do you mind?" "Ugh, fine boss, I'll be doing all the explaining!" groaned Jehu in a rather bored voice as Killian poured more stew and began handing them out to those who were awaken. "First of all... " Jehu pointed angrily at Orion, "...will you calm yourself! If you were in any danger, do you think you think you would be having my Tamer's food and be next to a warm fire with others in the same position as yourself?! No! So calm yourself! Also, for your information, I am a Digimon for the the tenth time!" "It hasn't been that many times..." mumbled Killian as he approached Orion, before noticing a bit of blood on his head. "Crap... you're wounded. Don't move too much and try to relax, lemme get my emergency bag and let me see what I can do," he said as he quickly placed him a bowl of stew before running off to get his emergency bag, before returning to tend to Orion's head injury. "I just met Jehu a few hours ago myself, and I know he can be weird... but, he's not bad. Just try to stay calm, alright?" said the white-haired young man as he smiled before proceeding to bandage the wound. "Anyway..." it was then that Jehu noticed a new one waking up- Danny - and caused him to let out what was close to a sigh, "...as I was saying as to what was going on, we are in the Digital World where Digimon, or Digital Monsters reside in. I am one of those Digimon, however, I am not an evil monster, I'm a good guy. The evil Digimon in the tower, however, wanted to do bad things to you," Jehu then pointed towards the sinister tower a fair distance away, "what they want to do to you there, I'm not one-hundred percent sure... but it's... something very bad. Anyway, to explain why you guys are not in there and are instead out here, is because I busted in there to rescue my Tamer like the cyborg ninja I am when his Digivice was signaling that he was in danger! Which leads me to," Jehu then quickly turned towards Trip, pointing at his brown Digivice, "what you're holding there! Those are Digivices that Tamers, or Digidestined are suppose to have. They are a symbol of one's status that they are capable of having a Digimon partner! Since Killian, who is my Tamer, was in trouble and I was near his Digivice, it led me to him and I was able to rescue him. Now before you ask why you all have one as well is because Killian handed them to you randomly before deciding to rescue you all. The Commandramons stormed the the room while he took us through the drainage pipes on top of a bed." "Sorry about that," Killian said as he finished tending to Orion, "I know it wasn't the most pleasant of escapes... but it was the best one I could think of at the time with what was going on." "Anyway, now that we are a fair distance away from the tower, we should rest up and make our way to the closest Digimon village where I have some friends who I am sure you will all be happy to meet! Although, we should be quick, since I'm sure the Forsaken will be sending some Digimon after us..." "But in the meantime... let's rest up, and get to know one another as best as we can, and try to recover our strength. The bipedal jetplane thing here is Jehumon... or Jehu, for short, and I'm apparently his Tamer, Killian. It's nice to meet you all," spoke the young man with a warm smile, trying his best to make everyone comfortable in the group.