Evidently, the girl had been more doped up than the others, as she only nodded dumbly as Killian and Jehumon erupted into explanation after explanation after explanation. She took the stew she was given and just held it as her addled brain struggled to comprehend anything that was going on. She remembered now; her school had been organizing the camping trip for the lower forms, and she'd volunteered to come along and help for a chance to get out the house and get to know people a little better. The surroundings weren't a shock to her, but as for everything else... she had to be dreaming, That was the only way her brain could rationalize anything in its current state. Moments passed in the real world, but they seemed to crawl by slowly for her. Others woke up and began to talk, but she hardly paid them any mind. She just stared into the stew. And then as Jehumon began to speak again, reality came crashing down on her like a strike from a hammer. Her brain rushed into action, suddenly comprehending the information it had been given. The heat from the stew she'd just dropped jolted her further; and it was at that point she realized it wasn't a dream. She jumped up, gritting her teeth and holding in a yelp as the stew burned away at her pant leg. Her eyes widened and her breath deepened. After a long, pregnant pause, she turned to look directly at Jehumon; and her wide-eyed stare quickly evolved into something of a glare. "Okay, back up here," She started, her voice still shaky, but now carrying clear undertones of a heated irritation, "What the fresh fucking hell is going on here? What does this bullshit have to do with m- with us? (She quickly added, as she fully realized she wasn't the only one here besides Killian)" Digimon and Digivices- alright. Sure. She'd watched enough crazy Japanese bullshit to not be completely overwhelmed by this kind of thing. But this was reality, and then there was this thing about 'the tower' and people doing things to them- what the actual and utter fuck?