[Center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Misc/red_hood_x_ravager_by_voxvulpina-d65kfpe.png][/Center] As soon as the message had been sent, Rose went back to her pile of clothes on the couch and slipped them back on, making sure her leather jacket sleeves were pulled down tight to hide the quickly appearing bruises and cut from her fathers sword. At first Rose tried the front door, and was unsurprised to find it locked from the outside. Slade always thought out everything. "Fine, we'll do this the fun way." She said running back up the stairs into her room. she grabbed the knife from out of the floor and stuck it inside a small sheath she had attached inside of her boot. She then threw open her bedroom window and climbed out, sticking as close to the building wall as she could. It was a long way down, eight stories to be exact, but Rose instead started to climb up, using whatever she could as footholds as she climbed up the remaining two stories until she reached the flattened building rooftop. "Jason you had better have some smokes on you..." Jason sat on the edge of the building, facing where Rose came crawling up. His right leg was crossed over his left one, and his arms were crossed over his chest. The red helmet concealing his identity. Jason let out a scoff from inside the helmet, going into his pocket, and throwing his pack of cigarettes to Rose. "What, daddy take your smokes?" Jason asked her. Rose caught the pack, immediately ripping it open and took out a double wide. God damn did Jason know her well. She rose an eyebrow towards him though as she tried to figure out just what the hell he was wearing. When Jason had stopped by a few days ago, he had been wearing just his usual street-clothes. It hadn't occurred to Rose that Jason would need a new look now that there was another Robin running around. "No I was already out before he got pissed off." Rose held out her hand for a lighter. A metallic chuckle escaped Jason, his voice being a bit distorted through the helmet. " He took your lighter, too? Thought you'd burn down the house? You'd never do that would you?" Jason teased her, he got up, as he began walking towards her, taking the cigarette from her fingers and gently positioning it in between her lips, as he'd hold up his gauntlet-covered finger, and a thing flame would erupt from his index finger, lighting the cigarette for Rose. The flame died down as Jason took a step backwards. "Thermite to light a smoke might be overkill.." Jason joked. "So what the hell Jason? Biker fetish much?" Rose asked, unable to keep quite about his new outfit anymore. "Don't pretend you don't like it." Rose's eyed narrowed slightly as he lit the cigarette for her. As soon as it was lit she put her hands on his chest and pushed him back away from her a bit. "Don't be cute. I'm still mad at you." she turned from him slightly, crossing her arms across her chest after pocketing the new pack of smokes. Jason shook his head, as he nodded, and pushed a button on his gauntlet, vaporization fumes escaping the helm, as it released pressure, and Jason took it off his face, holding it in his hand. "What was it you needed to talk about?" He asked her, sitting back down to the edge of the rooftop. "Most of it was because I needed a new pack." Rose said looking back over at Jason with a somewhat thoughtful expression. Finally, she moved to sit down next to him, inhaling the smoke in deep Long breaths and exhaling it out of her nose. "You never mentioned you would be going back to the tower. You really think that you can just pick up where you left off?" She said with a slight amount of agitation coming from her voice. Jason let out a light sigh. " I didn't realize I had to ask permisson to do my job, Rose." Jason said, his voice getting agetated as well. "I don't expect to pick things back up where they were. But I didn't leave. It wasn't my choice to be gone for all of this past year." Rose stood back up, unable to sit still any longer. "You DIED Jason. You cant just...be normal after something like that." She said, ignoring the fact that she was saying the incredibly obvious. "Hell you're not Jason anymore! I don't even know you!" Jason shrugged and shook is head, looking up at Rose. " I didn't just die, Rose. I was burned alive. Charred to the bones." A shiver ran down Jason's spine as Rose shouted at him. Jason stood up, his expression clearly rather annoyed. " Yeah. Because you're the authority on all things Jason Todd, huh?!" Rose narrowed her eyes, taking Jason's words like salt to a wound. "Fuck you Jason." She said blatantly. No longer in the mood for her cigarette, she walked away from him and approached the stairwell that led to the top floor of the building, grinding the tip of the cigerette into the concrete side walls and stuck the remaining bit behind her ear. "Been there. Done that." Jason said, under his breath, sitting back down on the ledge, digging back into his jacket, getting out a smoke for himself. [i]Women..[/i] He decided against lighting it up, as he got up, and followed rose to the stairs. "Okay, Rose. You must've wanted something else than to just yell at me. That could've waited." Jason told her bluntly, leaning against the wall. Rose kept her back to him, arms folded across her chest tightly and remained silent for what seemed like five whole minutes. Finally, with arms still folded she turned once again to face him, her face looking a little softer than it had been before. "I accepted your death long ago Jason. It took me a long time, but I eventually got over it and moved on with my life. I'm not going to go through that again. You're dead to me." Jason first shook his head in a understanding manner. "Fine." Rose subtly bit her bottom lip and averted her eyes from him, walking again back to the ledge of the building and just looked down at the street below. The lights of the city illuminated the darkened street revealing something that Rose noticed slightly out of place. Three different black SUV's were starting to park along-side of the building with nearly five men coming out of each of them. It was too far down to tell exactly, but Rose could have bet that they had guns. Blinking a few times, Rose forced herself to put together a plan, a plan that didn't involve Jason getting involved. "Leave. Now." She said moving back over to him, continuing their conversation. Jason watched as she leaned over the railing, to look down at the ground. If he wasn't in a bad mood, he would've probably checked her out. He just shook his head and waited for her to continue their conversation. "So the three vehicles that just pulled up to the building have nothing to do with your dad being an assassin and sword for hire? I guess the bruises and cuts are also completely irrelevant. Right?" Jason asked her, his voice cold and harsh, like he was done with trying to act sweet, he wanted answers right now. Rose's eyes snapped open wide, she shouldn't have been surprised, but she was. What she did next she didn't even know she was capable of as her hand drew back and firmly slapped Jason across the face, hard enough to leave a red mark and to make her own hand sting. "I SAID LEAVE!" Tears were starting to stream to the corner of her eyes, but she didn't care. All that mattered right now was to get Jason out of here, out of harms way. She knew they were coming for her dad, but all they would find in the apartment was her, and she was ready to kill to defend the ones she loved. Jason turned his head as she slapped him, he barely flinched when Rose shouted at him, but as she'd begin to walk away, he grabbed her by the wrist. " I might've died, Rose. But that doesn't mean that I don't care anymore. Tell me what's going on." Jason asked her. Rose turned to face him again and just shook her head no. "I can't. Please, just go." She wrenched her wrist free from him and walked back to the side of the building that she climbed up and began her climb down, making herself fall a few feet at a time until she was back in her room. She closed and locked her bedroom window, drawing the silk curtains so that even if he did follow, he'd be out of luck. Jason decided against following her. He put his helm back on. Part of him wanted to follow, to make sure she was okay. But at the same time, he knew she could handle herself. He had after all made sure of that. He'd make his way back to the Tower. There were more dummies in need of getting beaten up. Shaking her head and with a long sigh, Rose then started walking to her door, grabbing a sword she kept next to her door. If she had done this in time, she would have the element of- "Surprise!" Rose felt a cold hand reach from behind her, grabbing her wrist while another hand with a dampened cloth covered her mouth. Unvoluntarily inhaling the fumes, Rose's conscious slipped into darkness.