Jehu gave off what was again as close to a mechanical sigh as he possibly could. "Did you not just hear what I just said, girl? We are in the DIGITAL WORLD. You are no longer in the Human World, or Earth. You were kidnapped from your world and brought into our world because you are Tamers... or Digidestined because of your ability to partner up with Digimon with the Digivices you have. From what Killian and I know so far, we suspect that they are trying to harness the power that you Tamers have for some reason... what is that reason, we don't know. Since the tower appeared, the Digital World has been more connected to the Human World, it's a bit nerve-wrecking if you ask me." "Yeah... like I said, as of now, Jehu and I can't give many answers... the only thing that we can do is try and answer any questions to the best of our ability, but we have to remain calm, and probably stick together... I doubt there are other good Digimon out there like Jehu, and we can't defend ourselves against whatever may be out there in this world when we don't have any idea what exactly lives here..." "Digimon live-" "I meant... we don't know what to expect." "Oh, right, right... Anyway, I'm getting really, and I mean really tired of repeating myself... so please, if there are any other questions not relating to what is going on, ask them now?" groaned Jehu as he rubbed his head.